Colin Smith
The ceremonial entry into Jerusalem
The ceremonial entry into Jerusalem
by Colin Smith
In this short reflection/sermon (1050 words) the events of Palm Sunday are seen as a ceremony, each part of which is important. These parts are examined and their significance is made evident. Similarities with church ceremonies are then considered.
Peter at the beautiful Gate
Peter at the beautiful Gate
by Colin Smith
This reflection /short sermon (1245 words) considers Peter's response to the crippled person at the beautiful gate . It highlights three significant features of that response, which are also considered in the light of typical responses to suffering people whom we may encounter t
David and Goliath
David and Goliath
by Colin Smith
This short reflection/sermon(1550 words) analyses the story of David and Goliath to identify David's responses to the crisis which he faced. The wisdom of his responses are made evident namely i) getting the crisis into perspective, ii) ignoring ill founded criticism and iii) pr
The rich young man (ruler)
The rich young man (ruler)
by Colin Smith
This short reflection/sermon (1190 words) examines the situation of a rich young man who is troubled by his wish to inherit eternal life. The relationship of his wish to his riches are identified as acting as a blockage to finding a solution to his dilemma. His situation is comp
by Colin Smith
This short reflection/sermon (1290 words) compares the background to Noah's flood with the real and threatened national disasters facing the world today .It is noted that then as now these arise from human decision making and behaviour. It is suggested that individual churches ca
by Colin Smith
This short (1220 words) reflection/sermon identifies the stages involved in thanksgiving. Using a story and three relevant old and new testament Bible verses, these essential preconditions are identified i) Noticing a service has been done, ii) Realising what it has cost the pe
Jesus the Light of the world
Jesus the Light of the world
by Colin Smith
This short (1270) reflection/sermon examines Jesus claim to be the light of the world. By comparing the light of a lamp in darkness, it is noted that Jesus brings order out of chaos, reveals too us how we really are and guides us to a happier more purposeful life.
The Fatherhood of God
The Fatherhood of God
by Colin Smith
The fatherhood of God is explored In this short (1430 word) reflection/sermon. In it, the tenderness of God as a loving father is contrasted with his apparent remoteness as he resides in heaven. The tenderness and remoteness are reconciled by thinking of God as creator for both
Mission - Sheep among wolves
Mission - Sheep among wolves
by Colin Smith
This short (1180 word) reflection/sermon explores the implications of Jesus's statement (Matthew 10.16) that he was sending his disciples out to be as sheep among wolves. Lessons for today's disciples are indicated. Also given are reassurances and advice derived from their expect
Prayer and action