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Barefoot Prayers - Barefoot praying
Barefoot Prayers - Barefoot praying
by SPCK - Stephen Cherry
An introduction in three parts Barefoot praying Prayer is what happens when humility meets grace, or rather, when humility is met by grace. People today shy away from the virtue of humility for fear that to get close to it will make them weak in the face of hostile others, or in
Barefoot Prayers - Thanks
Barefoot Prayers - Thanks
by SPCK - Stephen Cherry
Thanks A small company of people have helped and encouraged with this project – some before there was a project. Karenza Passmore, for instance, gave me a little notebook for creativity which kicked this all off. Others responded with warm and difference-making encouragement when
Barefoot Prayers - The Voice of Prayer
Barefoot Prayers - The Voice of Prayer
by SPCK - Stephen Cherry
An introduction in three parts The voice of prayer Prayer is an extremely common human activity. As John Ellerton put it in a famous hymn, ‘the voice of prayer is never silent / nor dies the strain of praise away’.1 It takes myriad forms and transpires in countless contexts. Yet
Barefoot Prayers - Week 1 - Gatherings
Barefoot Prayers - Week 1 - Gatherings
by SPCK - Stephen Cherry
Week 1 GATHERINGS This collection begins on the Sunday before Lent. Lent is itself a season of preparation, but even preparation can benefit from preparation. Shrove Tuesday is the focus of this, and can helpfully take the form of a day of clearing out and carnival. It begins on
Barefoot Prayers - Week 3 - Occasions
Barefoot Prayers - Week 3 - Occasions
by SPCK - Stephen Cherry
Week 3 OCCASIONS Prayer is often connected to occasions, whether they are special occasions or rites of passage. There is a deep intuition behind this and it helps us to find direction and draw the whole of ourselves – mind, body and spirit – into the moments, hours and days that
Barefoot Prayers - Week 4 - Puzzles
Barefoot Prayers - Week 4 - Puzzles
by SPCK - Stephen Cherry
Week 4 Puzzles Life raises questions. It creates predicaments. It leads to situations that are not easily resolved and conflicts that refuse to be reconciled. Life is full of puzzles: and our prayer should embrace and hold some of the puzzles that we experience...
Barefoot Prayers - When the silence stops
Barefoot Prayers - When the silence stops
by SPCK - Stephen Cherry
An introduction in three parts When the silence stops Let me come clean. This collection of prayers, some of which are more poetic than others, was not written for Lent. It was not written for publication. It was not even written as a collection. And yet there is a common theme..
12 results