Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Gracious God
Prayer: Gracious God
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Gracious God Gracious God, we know that we can come to you at any time, but we especially need your help in times of suffering, or trouble. So we come to you today to bring our prayers and thoughts for all those who are troubled, or who are suffering – (reflect on current
Poem: Even today
Poem: Even today
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Even today Even today, when so many people believe in nothing, or so they claim and others believe in crystals, ley lines and sun worship, which doesn’t seem to improve the weather one bit and others declare this life is all we’ve got, so who cares about anything except hav
Poem/Prayer: God’s children
Poem/Prayer: God’s children
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem/Prayer: God’s children We are God’s children, led by the Spirit, knowing that we can come to a loving parent with total confidence that we are offered love and care. We are not slaves, held in chains by a cruel owner, but allowed to fly free, guided only by the principles an
It was a new beginning on the day the Spirit came
It was a new beginning on the day the Spirit came
by Marjorie Dobson
It was a new beginning on the day the Spirit came. The house was filled with roaring wind and heads were touched by flame. Their lips were blessed with languages that all could understand and Peter led the charge into this new uncharted land It was a revelation when the doors wer
Reflection: Responsibility
Reflection: Responsibility
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection: Responsibility We are not the original believers in Christ. Generations have passed since those first disciples took on the task of spreading the message. We are many years down that line. Yet, in each generation there have been those who have picked up the message, b
Poem: Troubled times
Poem: Troubled times
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Troubled times Possessed, she was, possessed by a spirit that enabled her to predict the future. Cursed, she was, cursed, by the spirit that got her noticed by manipulative men. Exploited, she was, exploited for the money she could bring to her owners. Accurate, she was, ac
Drama/Monologue/Reflection: Advance warning
Drama/Monologue/Reflection: Advance warning
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama/Monologue/Reflection: Advance warning He told them he was going. He warned them in advance. He said, ‘I will be leaving you.’ He said, ‘I’m telling you these things because you will understand. Others won’t. You love and understand me. They don’t.’ And they didn’t either. D
Poem: The man by the pool
Poem: The man by the pool
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: The man by the pool A man lay by the pool they call Bethesda, a place of healing when the waters stirred. He could not move or walk without assistance and yet his pleas for help were never heard. Then one day Jesus came to see the waters and found this man who’d been there
Poem: Heavenly vision
Poem: Heavenly vision
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Heavenly vision A city of gold wrapped in a vision of light, where there is no night, nor a temple in sight, but with a river pure and crystal bright flowing between twelve trees of life planted to heal the nations’ strife. Such is one vision of heaven. Continues... ©Marjor
Drama/Monologue: Talking about Lydia
Drama/Monologue: Talking about Lydia
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama/Monologue: Talking about Lydia She’s a wealthy woman, that Lydia. She specialises in selling that really expensive purple cloth that all the rich people buy, so she must be rolling in money. What’s she doing hanging out with a crowd like that? And what are they doing here?
Reflection: Love one another
Reflection: Love one another
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection: Love one another “Love one another as I have loved you.” What a challenge Does that mean I’ve got to love my enemies? Does that mean I’ve got to love my political opponents? Does that mean I’ve got to love those whose opinions I can’t tolerate? Does that mean I’ve got
Poem: New world
Poem: New world
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: New world New heaven, new earth, is what folk say will greet the morning one fine day. All will be well, all tears be gone, no pain, no mourning from then on. The Holy City will appear and heaven will be very near for God will live upon the earth and everything will have ne
Psalm 148 – a reflection Does the east wind howl in praise of God?