SPCK - N T Wright
How God Became King - 4c Matthew: The Story Reaches Its Goal
How God Became King - 4c Matthew: The Story Reaches Its Goal
by SPCK - N T Wright
Matthew: The Story Reaches Its Goal The most obvious place to begin is right at the beginning – with the genealogy with which Matthew opens his book. Most of us, I suspect, probably skip this when we decide to read the New Testament right through for ourselves…
How God Became King - 4b Prequel and Sequel
How God Became King - 4b Prequel and Sequel
by SPCK - N T Wright
Prequel and Sequel Getting to the Heart of the Gospels In the year 1900, a book was published that changed the imagination of America. Its creator, L.Frank Baum, had stumbled into writing fantasy fiction some years before, mostly to while away time spent on the road as a travelli…
How God Became King - 4 The Story of Israel
How God Became King - 4 The Story of Israel
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Story of Israel Imagine, if you will, that you have set up a new sound system in your living room. You have installed a quadraphonic set of speakers, one in each corner. But you haven’t yet worked out how to adjust them individually, and the sound is strange and distorted. Ea…
How God Became King - 3c Jesus the Perfect Sacrifice
How God Became King - 3c Jesus the Perfect Sacrifice
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus the Perfect Sacrifice A fourth inadequate answer has tried to tie the first and the third together. The aim is still to get us to heaven, but Jesus is not just the moral exemplar – his perfect life means that he can be the perfect sacrifice…
How God Became King - 3 The Inadequate Answers
How God Became King - 3 The Inadequate Answers
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Inadequate Answers So what have the churches normally done with the ‘middle bits’, with the ‘body’ inside the ‘cloak’? I have on occasion challenged groups of clergy and laity to tell me what they or their congregations might say if asked what ‘all that stuff in the middle’ w…
How God Became King - 2c The Hidden Underlying Challenge: Theocracy
How God Became King - 2c The Hidden Underlying Challenge: Theocracy
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Hidden Underlying Challenge: Theocracy When we examine the wider movements of thought and culture in the eighteenth century, we find something of enormous significance for understanding why the gospels were being read in the way they were…
How God Became King - 1d The Plot Thickens: Twentieth-Century Scholarly Trends
How God Became King - 1d The Plot Thickens: Twentieth-Century Scholarly Trends
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Plot Thickens: Twentieth-Century Scholarly Trends So far I have confined myself to personal observations. But I believe the problem I have highlighted resonates across the whole field of Bible reading, scholarly and popular, in all the different traditions…
How God Became King - 1b The Empty Cloak: The Puzzle of a Lifetime
How God Became King - 1b The Empty Cloak: The Puzzle of a Lifetime
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Empty Cloak: The Puzzle of a Lifetime Come forward about fifteen years from that early experience. In my late twenties, out of the blue, I was asked to give a Bible exposition to the student Christian Union at Cambridge…
How God Became King - Preface (part 1)
How God Became King - Preface (part 1)
by SPCK - N T Wright
Preface (part 1) It has been slowly dawning on me over many years that there is a fundamental problem deep at the heart of Christian faith and practice as I have known them. This problem can be summarized quite easily: we have all forgotten what the four gospels are about…