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Journeying with Luke - Advent
Journeying with Luke - Advent
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
1 Advent Exploring the text Waiting for salvation Advent encourages us to turn our attention to waiting for the birth (and second coming) of Christ. Unlike Mark’s Gospel, the Gospel of Luke introduces us, his readers, to the theme of waiting through the various characters who the…
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Good Friday
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Good Friday
by Andrew Pratt and Marjorie Dobson
Full Service - Good Friday Service Contents: Opening Hymn: My song is love unknown Prayers: Introduction: Reading: Mark 15.1-20 Hymn: In the cross of Christ I glory Reading: Mark 15.29-32 A Chief Priest: Reading: Luke 23.44-49 The Unseen Joseph: Prayer: God of the past and fut…
BigRead 2012 Housegroup material Week 1