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Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Proper 17 Year A
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Proper 17 Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
Twelve Months of Sundays – Year A Ordinary Time Proper 17 Exodus 3.1–15 Romans 12.9–21 Matthew 16.21–28 Peter, like Moses, hid his face, afraid to look upon God. He wanted to see God’s messianic movement launched, but not like this; Moses had wanted to see Israel liberated, and h
Letters to London - 6 Bonhoeffer’s return to Germany and his letters to London
Letters to London - 6 Bonhoeffer’s return to Germany and his letters to London
by SPCK - Stephen J.Plant and Toni Burrowes-Cromwell
Bonhoeffer’s return to Germany and his letters to London Bonhoeffer returned to Germany on 15 April 1935, immediately following his Scottish tour. On 26 April he opened the seminary in Zingst, on the Baltic Sea coast (it would move to Finkenwalde in June)…
Mere Apologetics - 6c Clue 5: Desire— Homing Instinct for God
Mere Apologetics - 6c Clue 5: Desire— Homing Instinct for God
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Clue 5: Desire— Homing Instinct for God Many arguments for the existence of God involve an appeal primarily to reason. Others involve an appeal to experience, finding their plausibility within the human heart as much as in human reason…
The Monastery Of The Heart - 19 Conversion of Heart
The Monastery Of The Heart - 19 Conversion of Heart
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Conversion of Heart “It is high time for us to arise from sleep.” Every life is one long list of defining moments: At one moment, we discover that what we have done with our lives to this point is not really what we are meant to do… Taken from The Monastery Of The Heart by Joan C
journeying with John - 8 Ordinary Time
journeying with John - 8 Ordinary Time
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
8 Ordinary Time I am the bread of life Chapter 1 began with an exploration of the great Prologue of John’s Gospel. It seems right, therefore, to end the book with an exploration of the other iconic feature of John’s Gospel – the ‘I am’ sayings. Jesus’ various ‘I am’ sayings occur
The Monastery Of The Heart - 22 Spiritual Tools
The Monastery Of The Heart - 22 Spiritual Tools
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Spiritual Tools “These are the tools of the spiritual craft.” Benedictine spirituality is clear: Beware the spirituality, the Rule implies, that lacks balance, that lacks the fullness of the spiritual life, that revolves around mystique and mystery, around esoteric ritual or secr
The Monastery Of The Heart - 25 Peace
The Monastery Of The Heart - 25 Peace
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Peace Turn away from evil and do good; let peace be your quest and aim.” Over the archway of medieval monasteries were commonly carved the words Pax Intrantibus, “Peace to those who enter here.” Taken from The Monastery Of The Heart by Joan Chittister
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 2 Introduction: Why ‘entrepreneur’?
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 2 Introduction: Why ‘entrepreneur’?
by SPCK - Michael Volland
2 Introduction: Why ‘entrepreneur’? I was talking about entrepreneurship at a conference and somebody asked me why I seemed to be hung up on using the word ‘entrepreneur’ rather than a term with less apparent baggage: something like ‘innovator’, ‘creative person’ or ‘pioneer’…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 34 Resurrection and Ethics
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 34 Resurrection and Ethics
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Resurrection and Ethics In each of the four previous essays Paul placed his theological teachings in the centre of the essay and positioned the ethical problem under discussion on the outside, around that centre. For example, in the first essay the ethical problem was the Corinth
Applecartlive's New School Shorts - 2. The Wedding - Applecartlive
Applecartlive's New School Shorts - 2. The Wedding - Applecartlive
by Applecartlive Ltd
Massive Sale - up to 50% off a teacher's dozen Resources Applecartlive's New School Shorts is a series of short films produced for children of primary school age. A Bible story is retold in each film using everyday language and creative locations. In The Wedding the storyteller
The Monastery Of The Heart - 13 Good Work
The Monastery Of The Heart - 13 Good Work
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Good Work “When they live by the labour of their hands, then they are really monastics.” Prayer and contemplation, Benedict is clear, are no substitute for work. Nor are they an excuse to detach ourselves from the holy act of human responsibility for making the world go round… Ta
A Dead Sect
A Dead Sect
by Roger Johnson
Evangelism Bulletin 266 – A Dead Sect? John Wesley famously said, ‘I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist… But I am afraid lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be
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