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JOHN: The people's bible commentary - JESUS before the HIGH PRIEST
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - JESUS before the HIGH PRIEST
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
JESUS before the HIGH PRIEST Jesus was taken into the house of Annas, but before we could learn what happened, we were taken out into the courtyard to see how Peter was admitted and his first quiet denial of Jesus. We know from Jesus’ warning to Peter that two more denials are to
The Jewish Trial
The Jewish Trial
by Dave Hopwood
Slaughter of the Innocent Bible Ref: Matthew 26 -27; Mark 14 -15; Luke 22-23; John 18-19 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to r
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - From GARDEN to COURTYARD
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - From GARDEN to COURTYARD
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
From GARDEN to COURTYARD When Jesus warned the disciples after washing their feet that they could not follow where he was going, Peter offered to lay down his life for Jesus (13:37). Despite Jesus’ warning that he was more likely to deny him and everything in the Farewell Discour
3 results