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PAUL AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - The Continuous Story: (a) Introduction
PAUL AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - The Continuous Story: (a) Introduction
by SPCK - N T Wright
Chapter TWO LIKE BIRDS HOVERING OVERHEAD: THE FAITHFULNESS OF THE GOD OF ISRAEL (ii) The Continuous Story (a) Introduction First, the continuous story. Let me quote, to begin with, something I said in my last book on Paul:..
The Power of the Parable - Challenge Parables; Part 1
The Power of the Parable - Challenge Parables; Part 1
by SPCK - John Dominic Crossan
chapter 3 Challenge Parables: Part 1 Down from Jerusalem to Jericho The French intellectual André Gide lived from 1869 to 1951. His search for honesty and integrity— a search at once sexual and social, political and religious— led him first to revere and then speedily to revile R
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 8 Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 8 Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 8 Wisdom of Solomon 1-13-15; 2: 23, 24 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Mark 5: 21-43 ‘Do not fear, only believe,’ Jesus says to Jairus. It’s easier said than done, of course, with his daughter dead and the house full of the sound of wailing mourners. It’s also quite ironic, in that i
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
First Lesson (Mark 8: 22- 9: 50) The two-stage healing of the blind man from Bethsaida serves both as the conclusion to the journeys back and forth across the sea in chapters 4–8 and as the introduction to the journey from Galilee to Jerusalem in chapters 8–10. Physical sight has
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Praying With Mind As Well As Spirit
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Praying With Mind As Well As Spirit
by SPCK - N T Wright
PART 1 NEW TESTAMENT TEACHING ON PRAYER THE TEACHING OF PAUL PRAYING WITH MIND AS WELL AS SPIRIT 1 Corinthians 14: 13-19 When you look at another person, what do you see? I don’t mean what shape, what colour, what size of person are you looking at; I mean, how do you think about
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 23 Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 23 Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 23 Amos 5.6-7, 10-15 Hebrews 4:12-16 Mark 10.17-31 Is it just me, or are the readings actually getting harder at this time of year? Not only more difficult to understand, but also more sombre? Certainly, today’s reading from Hebrews has taken large quantities of caffeine,
the greatest prayer - Pray Then in This Way
the greatest prayer - Pray Then in This Way
by SPCK - John Dominic Crossan
1 Pray Then in This Way We do not know how to pray as we ought. Romans 8:26 There is a design team for airports whose special job is the location of public electricity outlets in passenger terminals. Their job is to make them
PAUL AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - A World Transformed, Not Abolished
PAUL AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - A World Transformed, Not Abolished
by SPCK - N T Wright
Chapter TWO LIKE BIRDS HOVERING OVERHEAD: THE FAITHFULNESS OF THE GOD OF ISRAEL (iv) A World Transformed, Not Abolished What then was the hope of a first-century Pharisee? One obvious answer might be, ‘salvation’. But what might ‘salvation’ actually mean? A good deal of the secon
One Day at a Time: Meditations for Carers - 39. Whose life is it anyway?
One Day at a Time: Meditations for Carers - 39. Whose life is it anyway?
by SPCK - Dorothy M Stewart
ONE DAY AT A TIME Meditations for Carers 39. Whose life is it anyway? Isaiah 41.13 Becoming a 24/7 at-home carer involves a lot of changes. Life gets to be pretty well unrecognizable, and as for us – our very identities may be changed. Once we may have been well-paid and valued
by SPCK - N T Wright
Judaism Reconstructed (ad 70–135) The period after ad 70 was, obviously, of great significance for the future direction of Judaism. It has also often been regarded as of great significance for the development of early Christianity…
Letters to London - 14 Kingdom citizenship and earthly responsibility
Letters to London - 14 Kingdom citizenship and earthly responsibility
by SPCK - Stephen J.Plant and Toni Burrowes-Cromwell
14 Kingdom citizenship and earthly responsibility But why all these observations and details entrusted to a 14-year-old boy? Did the writer believe that the status of citizenship (whether heavenly or earthly) was not solely the reserve of adults? If so, this would not have been n
The Monastery Of The Heart - 19 Conversion of Heart
The Monastery Of The Heart - 19 Conversion of Heart
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Conversion of Heart “It is high time for us to arise from sleep.” Every life is one long list of defining moments: At one moment, we discover that what we have done with our lives to this point is not really what we are meant to do… Taken from The Monastery Of The Heart by Joan C
The Monastery Of The Heart - 25 Peace
The Monastery Of The Heart - 25 Peace
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Peace Turn away from evil and do good; let peace be your quest and aim.” Over the archway of medieval monasteries were commonly carved the words Pax Intrantibus, “Peace to those who enter here.” Taken from The Monastery Of The Heart by Joan Chittister
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 9 The Walking on the Water
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 9 The Walking on the Water
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Walking on the Water The story of Jesus’ walking on the water appears in three of the four Gospels: not, as one might expect, in the three Synoptic Gospels, but in Matthew, Mark, and John. Luke does not include this episode; he moves directly from the feeding miracle to the c
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 34 Resurrection and Ethics
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 34 Resurrection and Ethics
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Resurrection and Ethics In each of the four previous essays Paul placed his theological teachings in the centre of the essay and positioned the ethical problem under discussion on the outside, around that centre. For example, in the first essay the ethical problem was the Corinth
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 7c Reading the signs of the times
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 7c Reading the signs of the times
by SPCK - Sebastian C.H. Kim and Jonathan Draper
Reading the signs of the times The spirited manner in which Northcott writes exemplifies the vocation of a public theologian as a connected critic. There is a pressing imperative to discern the signs of the times. The occasional nature of a public theology requires this capacity,
Great Christian Thinkers - 10 St. Athanasius of Alexandria