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John THE PEOPLE’S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Light in the Darkness
John THE PEOPLE’S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Light in the Darkness
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
Light in the Darkness Greek philosophy and many eastern religions had an essential ‘dualism’, a separation between the material world and the spiritual realm. God exists in brilliant light in the world above, while we live in the darkness of created matter…
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 6c Characterizational Emphases
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 6c Characterizational Emphases
by SPCK - Edward Adams
Characterizational Emphases The Fourth Evangelist lays emphasis on the heavenly character of Jesus. Jesus has come from heaven and will return to it (e.g., 3:13, 31; 6:33). He is “from above”; he is “not of this world” (8:23). Jesus comes across as a more detached and other-world
Body - Chapter 3 - The resurrection body
Body - Chapter 3 - The resurrection body
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
The resurrection body So what does happen when we die? Our reflections on the question of who we are as people and on the place of the soul in our identity leads naturally to the question of life after death. For some people the word ‘soul’ has dual purpose: it describes both who
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 4d The problem of reductionism in science and dualism in religion
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 4d The problem of reductionism in science and dualism in religion
by SPCK - Sebastian C.H. Kim and Jonathan Draper
The problem of reductionism in science and dualism in religion Finally, I would like to put our relationship with our environment into a historical, theological and personal context. Why is it that the world’s religions seem to have had so little to say in the climate debate?…
Great Christian Thinkers - 4 St. Irenaeus of Lyons
Great Christian Thinkers - 4 St. Irenaeus of Lyons
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Irenaeus of Lyons In reflecting on the prominent figures of the early Church, we come to the eminent personality of St. Irenaeus of Lyons. The biographical information on him comes from his own testimony, handed down to us by Eusebius in his fifth book on Church history… Take
6 results