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The Women's Bible Commentary - Groaning in Labor Pains
The Women's Bible Commentary - Groaning in Labor Pains
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Re-creation of Land and People In chapters 36 and 37 God acts not just to renew Israel and the land, but to re-create them entirely. Chapter 36 has the re-creation of both people (36:26–27) and land (36:1–15, 35) in view, whereas 37:1–14 famously focuses on the rebirth of the peo…
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Idol Meat and Class conflict
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Idol Meat and Class conflict
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Idol Meat and Class Conflict (1 Corinthians 8-10) The problem Paul addresses in these chapters is that some members of the church feel free to eat meat that has been sacrificed to idols, while for others this creates a crisis of faith…
The Women's Bible Commentary - Jesus and the New Community
The Women's Bible Commentary - Jesus and the New Community
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Jesus and the New Community A new section of Mark’s narrative opens with a summary statement of Jesus’ healing and teaching beside the Sea of Galilee, where persons come to him from all the places he will later go. This compact summary closes with the unclean spirits recognizing …
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Limited Divine Hospitality
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Limited Divine Hospitality
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Limited Divine Hospitality Not all discussions of foreign nations in Isaiah are so dispiriting. Isaiah 25 offers one of the best loved of all portraits, one which Christians often associate with eucharistic liturgies…
The Women's Bible Commentary - Money, Shame and Authority
The Women's Bible Commentary - Money, Shame and Authority
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Money, Shame and Authority Because of subtle differences between chapters 8 and 9, many scholars regard them as two separate letters, even though they concern the same topic: instructions regarding a collection of money in Paul’s Gentile congregations to be sent as a gift to the …
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Personified Daughter Zion
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Personified Daughter Zion
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Personified Daughter Zion (Isaiah 47: 1-15; 49: 14 – 50: 3; 51: 17 – 52: 12; 54: 1-17) Babylon’s fall is imagined throughout Isaiah 41–48, climaxing in chapter 47, where Daughter Babylon herself is taunted. Once tender and delicate, she will now sit throneless in the dust. She wi…
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Partners in a Heavenly Calling
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Partners in a Heavenly Calling
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Partners in a Heavenly Calling (Hebrews 1: 1- 4: 16) The first part, 1:1–4:16, focused on Jesus as Son of God and apostle, speaker from God to human beings, uses Scripture to compare “the son” to both the angels (1:1–2:4) and Moses (3:1–6)…
The Women's Bible Commentary - Re-creation of Land and People
The Women's Bible Commentary - Re-creation of Land and People
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Re-creation of Land and people In chapters 36 and 37 God acts not just to renew Israel and the land, but to re-create them entirely. Chapter 36 has the re-creation of both people (36:26–27) and land (36:1–15, 35) in view, whereas 37:1–14 famously focuses on the rebirth of the peo…
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Sapphira Sapphira’s story is perhaps the ideal example of the competing interpretative stances promoted by Luke’s narrative. Reading darkly, that is, from those without power or privilege, Sapphira’s story illustrates a divine option for a community in which there are no class di…
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Sexual Immorality and Lawsuits
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Sexual Immorality and Lawsuits
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Sexual Immorality and Lawsuits (1 Corinthians 5-6) Paul closes the preceding section by offering the Corinthians a choice: “What would you prefer? Am I to come to you with a stick, or with love in a spirit of gentleness?” (4:21). Underscoring that choice, the next section opens w…
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Sex and Spirituality (1 Corinthians 7: 1-40) Paul begins here to respond to the issues the Corinthians raised in their earlier letter. His obvious concern in this chapter, to present arguments that are balanced in their treatment of women and men, is striking…
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Status, Power, and Children: The Story of Hannah
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Status, Power, and Children: The Story of Hannah
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Status, Power, and Children: The Story of Hannah (1 Samuel 1-2) The books of Samuel begin with the story of the birth of a son to a woman previously childless. According to the narrative, Hannah, the favored wife of Elkanah, has no children, because YHWH has “closed her womb.” Ha…
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Status Negotiations (2 Corinthian 1-7) These chapters are exceedingly difficult, with abrupt changes in tone and interrupted trains of thought. Even in sections where the subject matter remains fairly constant, sentences are repetitive, convoluted, at times almost incoherent. Whe…
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - The Golden Calf and Its Aftermath
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - The Golden Calf and Its Aftermath
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Golden Calf and Its Aftermath (Exodus 31: 18-34: 35) For forty days and forty nights Moses is on Mount Sinai, where he receives instructions from YHWH (24:18). The text does not specify how much time has elapsed, but during this time, the people approach Aaron and ask him to …
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Downfall of Haman and the Triumph of Esther
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Downfall of Haman and the Triumph of Esther
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Downfall of Haman and the Triumph of Esther The central section of the book chronicles the rise and fall of the royal favorite, Haman the Agagite, and the actions of Esther that bring about his downfall and save the Jews of the Persian Empire. In this section we witness Esthe…
The Women's Bible Commentary - The House of David and the House of Saul
The Women's Bible Commentary - The House of David and the House of Saul
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The House of David and the House of Saul At the end of 1 Samuel, Saul and three of his sons are killed in battle. Second Samuel begins with David’s reaction to the deaths of Saul and his sons…