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Transforming Preaching - The sermon as a learning event
Transforming Preaching - The sermon as a learning event
by SPCK - David Heywood
2 The sermon as a learning event To change is to learn. A process of transformation is therefore a process of learning. In the previous chapter I suggested that the goal of preaching is transformation. Transformation involves people taking in new information, coming to see the wo
journeying with mark yr B - Preface: What is this book about?
journeying with mark yr B - Preface: What is this book about?
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
Preface: What is this book about? The Revised Common Lectionary has established itself in Anglican parishes (and in other denominations) as the framework within which the Bible is read on Sundays in public worship. It follows a three-year pattern, taking each of the synoptic Gosp
Transforming Preaching - The elements of structure
Transforming Preaching - The elements of structure
by SPCK - David Heywood
3 A step-by-step guide to sermon preparation The elements of structure The first stage in sermon preparation is getting the message: knowing what you want to say. The next is deciding how best to say it: giving your sermon a structure. Once you reach the point of discerning the m
8 results