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THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 38 Priests, Aristocrats and Sadducees
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 38 Priests, Aristocrats and Sadducees
by SPCK - N T Wright
Priests, Aristocrats and Sadducees We could quite easily imagine first-century Judaism without Essenes or Scrolls. The same is emphatically not true of the priests in general and the chief priests in particular. Josephus, writing at the end of the first century ad, says that ther…
52 Reflections on Faith - Palm Sunday: little donkey
52 Reflections on Faith - Palm Sunday: little donkey
by BRF - Stephen W. Need
Palm Sunday: little donkey Sometime in the late 1990s the local municipality of Jerusalem denied all donkeys access to the walled Old City. The decision was made primarily on health grounds but it changed the landscape of Jerusalem immediately. Somehow the donkey was a feature of…
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