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We join with women far across our land
We join with women far across our land
by Avis Palmer
We join with women far across our land To celebrate a network holding all, Where faith and deeds by working hand in hand, Describe a way of living out Christ's call. We seek to worship in creative ways, We share our stories, they become our song. Off ‘ring our gifts and talents i
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 6b Recovering moral agency in a global neighbourhood
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 6b Recovering moral agency in a global neighbourhood
by SPCK - Sebastian C.H. Kim and Jonathan Draper
Recovering moral agency in a global neighbourhood Contemporary globalization links people and places thousands of miles apart in a myriad daily exchanges of goods, including food, drink, clothing and energy resources. The governance of these spatially distant exchange relationshi
5 results