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The Quaker experience in Kenya
The Quaker experience in Kenya
by Woodbrooke - David Kikaya
This thesis explores the roots of East Africa Yearly Meeting, at the time of writing the largest Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends in the world, with 50,000 members. The study centres on the American Friends’ Mission to Kaimosi, British Colonial Kenya between the…
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - Humanity and Faith
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - Humanity and Faith
by SPCK - N T Wright
Humanity and Faith James 4.1-10 Schoolchildren of a certain age form exclusive friendships. Great human dramas are played out on a small scale when your daughter comes home in tears because her ‘best friend’ has declared she isn’t her best friend any more, but has taken up with s…
Genesis for Everyone Part 2 - I Want to Know What Love Is
Genesis for Everyone Part 2 - I Want to Know What Love Is
by SPCK - John Goldingay
I Want to Know What Love Is Genesis 29:32-30:3 I have just read a review of a TV program about polygamy in the United States. It incidentally notes how one motivation for polygamy is that it can be a route to more children and more money, which fits with the assumptions about pol…
3 results