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Revelation for Everyone - A Second Monster
Revelation for Everyone - A Second Monster
by SPCK - N T Wright
A Second Monster Revelation 13.11-18 I sat in the room, surrounded by shelf after shelf of old books. It felt good. When we took a break from the seminar (it was in a hotel in a large American city), I got up and walked over to the nearest bookcase to inspect what treats it might
Revelation for Everyone - A Dragon is Angry
Revelation for Everyone - A Dragon is Angry
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Dragon Is Angry Revelation 12.7-18 A happy argument took place in the changing-room after the end of the match. Who had scored the winning goal? There had been a big scramble in the goalmouth; the ball was bouncing to and fro; two of the attacking players had both swung a foo
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