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Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 15 Three Roadblocks
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 15 Three Roadblocks
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Essay 2 Sex Three Roadblocks In the previous section of the essay (2.1) Paul cut the Gordian knot. He told the Corinthians to remove the offender from the fellowship of the church. Here he discusses head-on three aspects of this case of incest that must be dealt with. These are n…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 18 Sexual Practice in Harmony with the Gospel
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 18 Sexual Practice in Harmony with the Gospel
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Sexual Practice in Harmony with the Gospel By way of review, the bare bones of this second essay are: 2.1. Immorality and the Church (4:17–5:6a) 2.2. (Three Roadblocks: Leaven, Immorality and the Law Courts) (5:6b–6:8) 2.3. Theology of Sexual Practice: Kingdom Ethics (6:9-12) 2.4…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 20 Paul’s Personal Freedom and Responsibility
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 20 Paul’s Personal Freedom and Responsibility
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Paul’s Personal Freedom and Responsibility In the previous section (8:1-13) Paul presses home two points in his discussion of food offered to idols: (1) You know idols do not exist. Therefore, you have the freedom and right to eat idol food. (2) Your responsibility to love other …
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 21 Freedom in Mission Full Identification
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 21 Freedom in Mission Full Identification
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Freedom in Mission Full Identification Paul has now come to the centre of his third essay, which is on the subject of how a Christian can live in a pagan society. “Freedom and responsibility” continue to be the overall focus… Taken from Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes by Kenneth …
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 24 Food Offered to Idols
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 24 Food Offered to Idols
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Food Offered to Idols Freedom and Responsibility (A Final Word) The text of Paul’s final homily in this third essay is displayed in figure 3.6(1). Paul opened this essay with a discussion of food offered to idols, and following the pattern he established in the first two essays, …
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 27 Gifts and the Nature of the Body
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 27 Gifts and the Nature of the Body
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Gifts and the Nature of the Body In this homily, 12:1-30, Paul discusses the third problem related to worship covered in this essay [see fig. 4.3(1)]. In review, the three are: Male and female prophets leading in worship and how they should dress (11:2-16). Gross irregularities a…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 29 Spiritual Gifts and the Upbuilding of the Body
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 29 Spiritual Gifts and the Upbuilding of the Body
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Spiritual Gifts and the Upbuilding of the Body Paul includes two homilies (14:1-12, 13-25) in this section of the larger essay and displays the text of the first of the two. Taken from Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes by Kenneth E. Bailey
Letters to London - A friendship to be grateful for: Bonhoeffer’s letters to Ernst Cromwell
Letters to London - A friendship to be grateful for: Bonhoeffer’s letters to Ernst Cromwell
by SPCK - Stephen J.Plant and Toni Burrowes-Cromwell
A friendship to be grateful for: Bonhoeffer’s letters to Ernst Cromwell That I got to know your father and mother and all of you has become very important to me, especially in these times…
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 11 “A visionary who, in partnership with… others”
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 11 “A visionary who, in partnership with… others”
by SPCK - Michael Volland
“A visionary who, in partnership with… others” A visionary is someone who thinks about the future with imagination and wisdom. Visionaries have original ideas about what the future could be like; they are able to conceive of an alternative reality in which things are better for m…
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 15 Feeling positive about entrepreneurs in Christian ministry
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 15 Feeling positive about entrepreneurs in Christian ministry
by SPCK - Michael Volland
Feeling positive about entrepreneurs in Christian ministry I asked each of my interviewees how they felt about the use of the term ‘entrepreneur’ in relation to Christian ministry. Without exception, all of them were positive. Roger felt that to bring the word into the vocabulary…
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 21 Conclusion: What has been said and what do we do next?
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 21 Conclusion: What has been said and what do we do next?
by SPCK - Michael Volland
Conclusion: What has been said and what do we do next? I began this book by saying that I was an entrepreneurial Christian minister. I went on, in my Introduction, to explain that I was using the term ‘entrepreneur’ to refer to a way of being in the world that is characterized by…
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 18 What factors help entrepreneurship to happen?
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 18 What factors help entrepreneurship to happen?
by SPCK - Michael Volland
What factors help entrepreneurship to happen? When asked about what he felt would aid the exercise of entrepreneurship in his situation as a minister, Roger responded by talking about the need to strengthen and renew faith in congregations and said that he felt that if this happe…
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 19 What hinders entrepreneurship?
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 19 What hinders entrepreneurship?
by SPCK - Michael Volland
What hinders entrepreneurship? When asked about the factors that might hinder the exercise of entrepreneurship in the parish, Roger responded with a qualified insight that was particularly helpful in the context of pastoral ministry: ‘I think the sheer weight of the bread and but…
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 16 Church buildings can be a resource
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 16 Church buildings can be a resource
by SPCK - Michael Volland
Church buildings can be a resource During their interviews over two-thirds of my respondents discussed issues relating to the buildings occupied by the churches of which they were a part. I found this particularly interesting since in the interviews I didn’t ask directly about ch…
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 4 The Minister as Entrepreneur
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 4 The Minister as Entrepreneur
by SPCK - Michael Volland
The warping power of Loadsamoney In The Enterprise Culture, Peter Sedgwick acknowledges that ‘There has been a suspicion of the market, wealth-creation and enterprise in the churches for a long time.’4 This suspicion can be shaped by a number of factors, including gender, persona…
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 5 The trouble with a definition…
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 5 The trouble with a definition…
by SPCK - Michael Volland
The trouble with a definition… It is important, however, to acknowledge that there is no agreed definition of the entrepreneur, either in social science literature or in common use. Peter Drucker goes as far as saying that there is ‘total confusion over the terms entrepreneur and…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 35 Resurrection