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2 Corinthians - The Veil and The Glory
2 Corinthians - The Veil and The Glory
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Veil and the Glory 2 CORINTHIANS 3.12-18 The story is told of a time when there was to be a total eclipse of the sun. The newspapers and the radio and television stations repeatedly put out warnings, reminding people that they should not attempt to look directly at the sun. E
the historical character of Jesus - 3e Paul’s story of Jesus
the historical character of Jesus - 3e Paul’s story of Jesus
by SPCK - David Allen
Paul’s story of Jesus We are faced, then, with two points of apparent tension. On the one hand, Jesus seems to be a highly significant figure for Paul, or at least significant enough for him to assume portions of Jesus’ teaching and tradition within his own epistolary discourse…
2 results