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How God Became King - 4 The Story of Israel
How God Became King - 4 The Story of Israel
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Story of Israel Imagine, if you will, that you have set up a new sound system in your living room. You have installed a quadraphonic set of speakers, one in each corner. But you haven’t yet worked out how to adjust them individually, and the sound is strange and distorted. Ea
How God Became King - 4b Prequel and Sequel
How God Became King - 4b Prequel and Sequel
by SPCK - N T Wright
Prequel and Sequel Getting to the Heart of the Gospels In the year 1900, a book was published that changed the imagination of America. Its creator, L.Frank Baum, had stumbled into writing fantasy fiction some years before, mostly to while away time spent on the road as a travelli
How God Became King - 4c Matthew: The Story Reaches Its Goal
How God Became King - 4c Matthew: The Story Reaches Its Goal
by SPCK - N T Wright
Matthew: The Story Reaches Its Goal The most obvious place to begin is right at the beginning – with the genealogy with which Matthew opens his book. Most of us, I suspect, probably skip this when we decide to read the New Testament right through for ourselves…
How God Became King - 5c Looking for the Right Thing
How God Became King - 5c Looking for the Right Thing
by SPCK - N T Wright
Looking for the Right Thing At this point we have to be careful and once more get some critical distance from the main streams of our own recent traditions. It all depends on looking for the right thing. It has been popular for well over a hundred years to see the explicitly high
How God Became King - 5b The Biblical Story of God
How God Became King - 5b The Biblical Story of God
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Biblical Story of God The story the Bible tells about Israel’s God is quite different from the stories many, including many Christians, have told. In the biblical story, the creator God calls Abraham, who lived in present-day Iraq, and bids him go wandering off as a nomad in
How God Became King - 4d Mark: Jesus and the Breaking In of God’s New World
How God Became King - 4d Mark: Jesus and the Breaking In of God’s New World
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark: Jesus and the Breaking In of God’s New World The evangelists, each in his own way, tell the story of Jesus as the proper climax to Israel’s story. This is clear right from the start. We have already glanced at Matthew…
How God Became King - 6 The Launching of God’s Renewed People
How God Became King - 6 The Launching of God’s Renewed People
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Launching of God’s Renewed People This brings us nicely to the third speaker in our sound system. Like the second one, this third one has often been turned up far too loud. This has meant both that the music it is quite properly trying to play has itself been distorted and th
How God Became King - 5d Matthew and Luke: Seeing Jesus, Thinking God
How God Became King - 5d Matthew and Luke: Seeing Jesus, Thinking God
by SPCK - N T Wright
Matthew and Luke: Seeing Jesus, Thinking God Once we learn, from Mark, how we might read the story of Jesus as the story of Israel’s God returning at last, we may find it easier to recognize the ways in which Matthew and Luke are doing something very similar…
How God Became King - 5e Glory Unveiled: John’s Temple Christology
How God Became King - 5e Glory Unveiled: John’s Temple Christology
by SPCK - N T Wright
Glory Unveiled: John’s Temple Christology ‘The Word was God… and the Word became flesh.’ John’s cards are on the table from the beginning. For him, the story of Jesus is the story of how God became human, how the creator became part of his creation…
How God Became King - 7 The Clash of the Kingdoms
How God Became King - 7 The Clash of the Kingdoms
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Clash of the Kingdoms Speakers two and three need, as we have seen, to be turned down a bit. Their volume has been too shrill over the past few generations, and we lose thereby not only the real music they are playing – the gospels really are telling the story of Jesus as the
How God Became King - 6c Signposts of the Future Church
How God Became King - 6c Signposts of the Future Church
by SPCK - N T Wright
Signposts of the Future Church All this encourages us to reread the gospels once more with a view to seeing the ways in which they were sketching out the ground for the life of the church. The most obvious passages, I suppose, are the commissionings of the disciples, both during
How God Became King - 7b God and Caesar in the Gospels
How God Became King - 7b God and Caesar in the Gospels
by SPCK - N T Wright
God and Caesar in the Gospels But, you say, surely Caesar is only mentioned once in the gospels, and there Jesus says that there’s a clear division between God and Caesar, a split of church and state, so that never the twain shall meet…
How God Became King - 7b (part 3) God and Caesar in the Gospels
How God Became King - 7b (part 3) God and Caesar in the Gospels
by SPCK - N T Wright
God and Caesar in the Gospels These are vital strands of what John is doing throughout his gospel. When, after the final prayer (chap. 17) and the arrest and the Jewish trial (18.1–27), we find Jesus standing before Pilate (18.28—19.16), we ought to know, because John has set it
How God Became King - 8c Power and Empire Within First-Century Judaism