Resources - Written - Search Results
The Women's Bible Commentary - The History of the People and Their Enemies in the Exodus
The Women's Bible Commentary - The History of the People and Their Enemies in the Exodus
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The History of the People and Their Enemies in the Exodus The third part of the Wisdom of Solomon is marked by the sudden eclipse of Woman Wisdom, as God acts directly on behalf of the people…
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Household Code
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Household Code
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Household Code Household Duties in Greco-Roman Culture and Early Judaism As long ago as the fourth century BCE, philosophers considered the household a microcosm, the basic social unit whose structure ought to reflect the pyramidal structure of the whole society and even natu…
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Journey from Sinai to the East Bank of the Jordan
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Journey from Sinai to the East Bank of the Jordan
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Journey from Sinai to the East Bank of the Jordan Once the journey is underway, the bulk of this section of Part One focuses on disputes about leadership. Wholesale disobedience (Num. 14) results in a thirty-eight-year pause in the journey…
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Household Code
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Household Code
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Household Code The author believes that behaviour appropriate to the new life is communal in nature (3:12–15), constituted by Christian worship (3:16–17), and marked by the peace and harmony of the reconciled creation (3:14)…
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Lord’s Prayer
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Lord’s Prayer
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Lord’s Prayer The address “father in heaven” (6:9; see also 5:16, 45, 48; 6:1, 15, 18, 26, 32, and so on) can prove difficult for readers who suffered abuse at the hands of their fathers or who chafe at patriarchal language…
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Violation of Earth and Zion
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Violation of Earth and Zion
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Violation of Earth and Zion The author foregrounds the story of the Maccabees’ rebellion against the Seleucids with the exploits of Alexander the Great (ca. 333 BCE; 1:1–4). The taut narrative links Antiochus IV to Alexander and his immediate successors, who are condemned as …
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Women of Thessalonica and Beroea, and Damaris of Athens
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Women of Thessalonica and Beroea, and Damaris of Athens
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Women of Thessalonica and Beroea, and Damaris of Athens As in Philippi, so also in Thessalonica, Beroea, and Athens, The Way faces resistance. However, in all three of these cities, Luke repeats a refrain: women of status and power from the cities join The Way…
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Wife/Sister Tales
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Wife/Sister Tales
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Wife/Sister Tales Three times in Genesis, when the patriarch and his wife are “sojourning”— traveling as resident aliens—in a foreign land, the ruler of that country is told that the wife is a sister of the patriarch…
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Story of Vashti
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Story of Vashti
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Story of Vashti The first female character the book of Esther introduces is Vashti the queen, the wife of Ahasuerus. Ahasuerus summons her to appear before his court in the midst of a wild drinking party, in order that he may show off her beauty…
The Women's Bible Commentary - Women Challenge Authority
The Women's Bible Commentary - Women Challenge Authority
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Part Two: The New Generation (Numbers 26-36) A second census (Num. 26) marks the opening of a new phase of God’s work with the people. By contrast to Part One, the final chapters include stories where disobedience may have been brewing but is averted. Sometimes communities that h…
The Women's Bible Commentary - Women Are without Wisdom
The Women's Bible Commentary - Women Are without Wisdom
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Women Are without Wisdom Ecclesiastes speaks highly of the relationship between men, but also of the relationship a man can have with his wife (9:9). He makes frequent reference to mothers and wombs, grounding human existence in them (4:14)…
The Women's Bible Commentary - Women in the Joseph Tales
The Women's Bible Commentary - Women in the Joseph Tales
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Women in the Joseph Tales The Comparative Absence of Women in the Joseph Tales. The Joseph narrative has no heroes who are tricksters, and its women are only two: Asenath, daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, mentioned in one line (41:45) as part of the reward given to Joseph for…
The Women's Bible Commentary - Women as the Strongest