David Adam
The Open Gate - Blessings - Prayers 8-12
The Open Gate - Blessings - Prayers 8-12
by SPCK - David Adam
Blessings The Father of many resting places grant you rest; The Christ who stilled the storm grant you calm; The Spirit who fills all things grant you peace. God’s light be your light, God’s love be your love, God’s way be your way. And the blessing . . .
The Open Gate - Blessings
The Open Gate - Blessings
by SPCK - David Adam
Blessings Blessings are what God bestows upon us, continually. His whole action towards us is blessing, from the blessing of life itself to the gifts He showers upon us. The great blessings are the gift of Himself, and the gift of eternal life. No blessing is ours by right, but i
The Open Gate - Dedication