SPCK - David Adam
by SPCK - David Adam
ANCIENT AND TRADITIONAL PRAYERS For God’s Safe Keeping May the strength of God pilot us. May the power of God preserve us. May the wisdom of God instruct us. May the hand of God protect us. May the way of God direct us. May the shield of God defend us. May the host of God defend …
The Edge of Glory - 4 For Group Worship
The Edge of Glory - 4 For Group Worship
by SPCK - David Adam
FOR GROUP WORSHIP Many of the prayers in this book began in a small room in a moorland village in 1984. They were part of our Lent learning: for six weeks we met once a week to discover new and exciting ways to pray together. As we live in an area famous for its Celtic saints and…
The Edge of Glory - 3 Benedictions
The Edge of Glory - 3 Benedictions
by SPCK - David Adam
BENEDICTIONS A Weaving Pattern The weaving of the peace be thine Peace around thy soul entwine Peace of the Father flowing free Peace of the Son sitting over thee Peace of the Spirit for thee and me Peace of the one Peace of the three… Taken from The Edge of Glory by David Adam
The Edge of Glory - 1 Before Prayer
The Edge of Glory - 1 Before Prayer
by SPCK - David Adam
BEFORE PRAYER I weave a silence on to my lips I weave a silence in to my mind I weave a silence within my heart I close my ears to distractions I close my eyes to attractions I close my heart to temptations… Taken from The Edge of Glory by David Ada
The Edge of Glory - Introduction
The Edge of Glory - Introduction
by SPCK - David Adam
Introduction Whoever wrote St Patrick’s Breastplate, has certainly caught the essence of Celtic prayer. Patrick, arising in the morning and turning his thoughts to God, taking to himself the whole armour of God. As he laced up his tunic or the cross bands on his legs, he had his …
The Edge of Glory - Foreword