Grant me the faith
Grant me the faith
by John Birch
Grant me the faith that can move mountains, the mustard seed sown in hope with certainty of fruitfulness. Grant me the faith that can ask for healing, with confidence in your love, compassion and power. Grant me the faith... Continues... Taken from 'A God of Compassion' b
Answered prayer
Answered prayer
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection - Answered prayer Proper 18 Year A Matthew 18: 15 – 20 The room was quiet. We had gathered to talk about the future of our church – its building and its fellowship. Only a handful of people had bothered to turn up. Perhaps most of the others were beginning to think of
Human instincts
Human instincts
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Human instincts Proper 17 Year A Romans 12: 9-21 Vengeance is a natural reaction and most children have the instinct from an early age. We have to be taught to share, to forgive, to live in peace with one another and to resist our automatic reaction to get our own back. S
Reflection on Psalm 26: 1-8
Reflection on Psalm 26: 1-8
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection on Psalm 26: 1-8 Proper 17 Year A Psalm 26: 1-8 What do people think when I tell them how much I love God and how wonderful it is to sing songs of joy and praise in church? Not much, I reckon. Do people notice that I don’t mix with the riff-raff and keep well away from
Gracious God, forgive us
Gracious God, forgive us
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Gracious God, forgive us Proper 20 Year A Jonah 3:10-4:11 Gracious God, forgive us - when we see the mercy granted to others as a threat to our integrity: when we believe we are in the right and refuse to accept your judgement on our behaviour: when we are not prepared to
Clouds and Glory Year A - Proper 8 - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - Proper 8 - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 8 Sunday between 26 June & 2 July (after Trinity) Genesis 22. 1-14 Jeremiah 28. 5-9 Psalm.13 Psalm. 89. 1-4, 15-18 (or 8-18) Romans 6. 12-23 Matthew 10. 40-42 Lord, you have freed us from the slavery of sin, and called us to be sons and daughters of God. Help us to work fo
One Day at a Time: Meditations for Carers - 23. Running on empty
One Day at a Time: Meditations for Carers - 23. Running on empty
by SPCK - Dorothy M Stewart
ONE DAY AT A TIME Meditations for Carers 23. Running on empty Isaiah 40.31 One of the biggest problems and danger areas for carers is tiredness. Exhaustion. Bone-deep weariness that makes you want to sit and weep. This is when you know you’re running on empty. It’s strange. We do
God Unkown-Prayer
God Unkown-Prayer
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God unknown Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 17: 22-31 In Athens, Paul found statues of many gods and one to an ‘unknown god’. So we pray today for those many people who have not yet found God in their lives. God, we know you and we are known to you. We pray now … for those wh
Father God - Prayer
Father God - Prayer
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer - Father God Sixth Sunday of Easter Psalm 66: 8 - 20 Father God! What a comfort there is in those words. You don’t know how much I need a loving father right now. But then you do, don’t you? That’s the whole point! You know when I feel low and sad and need a shoulder to cr
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayers for the Emergency Services
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayers for the Emergency Services
by SPCK - Ian Black
Four prayers for the Emergency Services - Police, Ambulance, Fire & Rescue and RNLI Surround with your protection, O Lord, all members of the police as they protect our communities. Defend them that they may always act justly; when force is necessary... Lord Jesus Christ, friend
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayers for the Armed Forces
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayers for the Armed Forces
by SPCK - Ian Black
Two prayers - "Armed Forces" and "Facing the battle/deployment". Michael, Archangel, your sword blazes with terror scattering the forces of evil and bringing them to tremble beneath you. Inspire the armed forces with this passion for what is right... Taken from Prayers for All Oc
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayers - Government and Politics