Andrew Pratt
God looks beyond our sad facade
God looks beyond our sad facade
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn - God looks beyond our sad facade The call of David Fourth Sunday in Lent 1 Samuel 16: 1 – 13 God looks beyond our sad facade, God sees within each heart; our human judgments pale before the brightness of God's art. The ones that we would wish to choose, to elevate and prais
Tangled in prejudice, lost in presumption
Tangled in prejudice, lost in presumption
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Tangled in prejudice, lost in presumption Fourth Sunday in Lent John 9. 1-41 Tangled in prejudice, lost in presumption, locked in our judgments, so sure of our ground; others are sinful, but we are the righteous, this is the truth we are sure we have found. This is our blin
Mother us gently, Father us lightly
Mother us gently, Father us lightly
by Andrew Pratt
Poem/Prayer: Mother us gently, Father us lightly Mothering Sunday Mother us gently, Father us lightly, God of our being, ground of our care; comfort our grieving, help our believing, graceful and loving, teach us to share. Hold and enfold us, parent with purpose,
In the temple, place of peace (version 2)
In the temple, place of peace (version 2)
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: In the temple, place of peace (version 2) Mothering Sunday Luke 2:22-40 In the temple, place of peace, Mary, Joseph, stand in awe; Anna comes with songs of joy, Simeon sings, yet knows the score. Bitter sweet this time of hope, winter passes Lent awaits; let us pause, refle
God shakes and rattles hopes and dreams
God shakes and rattles hopes and dreams
by Andrew Pratt
God shakes and rattles hopes and dreams Fifth Sunday in Lent Ezekiel 37: 1-14 God shakes and rattles hopes and dreams, confounds our plans, destroys our schemes; the bones of faith seem dry and bare, and is God found? And is God there? The desert scene is hot and still, our deser
Where jackals gnaw the drying bones
Where jackals gnaw the drying bones
by Andrew Pratt
Where jackals gnaw the drying bones Fifth Sunday in Lent Ezekiel 37: 1-14 Where jackals gnaw the drying bones and vultures wheel above, the people languish losing hope, is this the end of love? This exile tore them from God's grace, yes that is how it seemed... Andrew Pratt (bo
Where are you God, when darkness shrouds each day
Where are you God, when darkness shrouds each day
by Andrew Pratt
Where are you God, when darkness shrouds each day Fifth Sunday in Lent Psalm 130; John 11: 1 – 45 Where are you God, when darkness shrouds each day, when mists obscure my path, I see no way? Where are you God amidst this urban sprawl when roaring traffic leaves a smoky pall? Wher
Now take away the stone, he is not dead
Now take away the stone, he is not dead
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: 'Now take away the stone, he is not dead', Fifth Sunday in Lent John 11: 1 - 45 'Now take away the stone, he is not dead', the people looked amazed, yet some with dread. For Lazarus was buried four long days, the stench said this was more than just a phase. Yes dead is dead
Here is hope in desolation
Here is hope in desolation
by Andrew Pratt
3rd Sunday in Lent Romans 5: 1 – 11 Hymn: Here is hope in desolation Here is hope in desolation: pain that speaks of sacrifice bringing deeper faith among us, mirrored God, embodied Christ. Here within this turmoil, testing, every sinew of God’s grace stretched in tension, peace
Quarrelsome people
Quarrelsome people
by Andrew Pratt
3rd Sunday in Lent Exodus 17: 1 – 7 Hymn: Quarrelsome people Quarrelsome people, out in the desert, thirsty for water, longing for home, ‘Why did you bring us’, they moan at Moses, ‘why make us hungry, why make us roam?’ They would have stoned him in their frustration... Andre
She's the one Christ should have hated
She's the one Christ should have hated
by Andrew Pratt
3rd Sunday in Lent Hymn: She’s the one Christ should have hated She’s the one Christ should have hated, every law set her apart, woman, foreign, faith betrayer, yet compassion warmed his heart. Was he thirsty? Human nature giving us a reason why... Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Word
The riddle of salvation
The riddle of salvation
by Andrew Pratt
2nd Sunday in Lent John 3: 1 – 17 Hymn: The riddle of salvation The riddle of salvation, not of a cross or tomb, confronted Nicodemus within a quiet room. Christ took him back to childhood, and challenged all he knew, his intellect was tested by hearing what to do. 'To reach the
Abram set out on a journey
Abram set out on a journey
by Andrew Pratt
2nd Sunday in Lent Hymn: Abram set out on a journey Abram set out on a journey, joined this new, uncertain, game. Challenges bring new excitement, no two days will be the same. Life was settled, now it’s shaken, preconceptions turned around, every day a new beginning, every place
Dramatic Monologue - Justified by faith?