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A moment of wonder, amazement and grandeur
A moment of wonder, amazement and grandeur
by Andrew Pratt
A moment of wonder, amazement and grandeur, a time when God's glory shines clear through our lives, God's grace is beyond us, yet lives in each heartbeat, the source of creation from which peace derives. The eyes of our hearts are enlightened with splendour, inherited glory, the
Baptised into being, the Lord of creation
Baptised into being, the Lord of creation
by Andrew Pratt
Baptised into being, the Lord of creation: the dove is descending the Spirit has come, it soars and it swoops on the face of the waters, Christ blessed in that moment, his mission begun. Here John the Baptiser will pass on the baton, though harsh and prophetic, his message, refin
Hymn: God has called us to this table
Hymn: God has called us to this table
by Andrew Pratt
God has called us to this table, wheat and wine have each been brought; those who feast will never hunger: bread of life, yet food for thought. Heirs of Moses joined with Jesus, they remembered providence, manna fed them in the desert, underscored their confidence. Verses 3-5 fol
O what did it mean to the ones who first heard it
O what did it mean to the ones who first heard it
by Andrew Pratt
O what did it mean to the ones who first heard it? A Wonderful Counsellor? God? Prince of Peace? Or was it a riddle? Divine intervention, a hope in their horror, a way to release? So was there assurance, the darkness illumined, to those knowing shadows the promise of light?... Ve
Cedars of Lebanon, oaks of old England
Cedars of Lebanon, oaks of old England
by Andrew Pratt
Cedars of Lebanon, oaks of old England, elegant poplars along country roads, trees mark a heritage, hope for the future, holding our history and bearing our loads. Hurricanes harass these trees by uprooting years of their growing, investment and toil, earthquakes unsettle the thi
Commend what is excellent, things that bring honour
Commend what is excellent, things that bring honour
by Andrew Pratt
Commend what is excellent, things that bring honour Commend what is excellent, things that bring honour, things that are praiseworthy, honest and pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever brings justice, these are the things to affirm and secure. Be known by your gentleness, loyal in
Her first born son, his manger bed
Her first born son, his manger bed
by Andrew Pratt
Her first born son, his manger bed, the straw was where he'd lay his head, his mother resting from the birth, and Joseph wondered at his worth. He held him in his roughened hands, he thought about the world's demands that brought them all to Bethlehem. What prejudice would wait
Hymn: Total life! Too much to swallow?
Hymn: Total life! Too much to swallow?
by Andrew Pratt
Total life! Too much to swallow? We should all be one with Christ, share the living and the dying: is this challenge over-priced? But if we have grasped the message, life is more than human gain, then perhaps the risk is worth it - never be the same again? Verses 3-4 follow Tune:
People will gather in praise for creation
People will gather in praise for creation
by Andrew Pratt
People will gather in praise for creation, praise for the love that has brought us to birth. Nations acknowledge a oneness of purpose, this is God’s dream for the whole of the earth. Those who are weeping will find consolation, comfort and peace that the world cannot give... Vers
The crisis had come, now they had to decide