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The Vine at Home - The Vine At Home - Good Friday
The Vine at Home - The Vine At Home - Good Friday
by Twelvebaskets Ltd
A Free Resource to use at home for for Good Friday. The Vine at Home series has been especially published to use during the Coronavirus. It is adapted from The Vine, which is a weekly resource create to be used in Local Arrangement services and service preparation. The Vine at Ho…
In Remembrance
In Remembrance
by David A. Campton
In Remembrance Monologue suitable for Easter evening. (Eating and drinking throughout) I’m starving... Mind you, is it any wonder? I’ve hardly eaten since Thursday night... Friday was so busy... Yesterday I couldn’t have faced food... And today... well I’ve had other things on my…
It has nothing to do with me
It has nothing to do with me
by David A. Campton
It has nothing to do with me... Monologue based on Pontius Pilate Matthew 27: 11-26; Mark 15: 1-15; Luke 23: 1-25; John 18: 28 – 19: 16 It has nothing to do with me... It is a Jewish matter... Nothing to do with Rome. If I had my way I would have left them to it. Another spat bet…
Understanding God
Understanding God
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Understanding God Holy Week Understanding God, when we are faced with disastrous situations, we often have no real idea how to respond. We want to do something – anything – but feel helpless in the face of grief and destruction. At the time of the shock our emotions are i…
Overview of Holy week (Family Worship)
Overview of Holy week (Family Worship)
by Colin Smith
This is a complete service (c700 words) which outlines the events of Holy Week. It is written in simple language and suggests hymns and songs appropriate and for all ages. The significance of each event is also indicated. It could be used any day during Holy Week, but has been su…