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The Act of Prayer Year C - Third Sunday of Easter Year C
The Act of Prayer Year C - Third Sunday of Easter Year C
by BRF - John Birch
Third Sunday of Easter Year C Opening prayer May the God of life, who spoke to the heart of Saul on the road to Damascus, speak to us in this place as we gather for worship, bring our prayers and listen to his word. May we see his light, follow where he leads us and be used in se
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 16 Theology of Sexual Practice
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 16 Theology of Sexual Practice
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Essay 2 Sex Theology of Sexual Practice Chapter 6:9-20 has been described as “somewhat disjointed and obscure.” Reason for this has been found in “the unfinished spontaneous nature of these passages.”1 Yet it is possible to see this text as a finely constructed literary whole tha
Lectionary lessons - Adopted Into the Family of God
Lectionary lessons - Adopted Into the Family of God
by Jesus Without Language
This January JWL is welcoming your kids into the Church as we explore our place in it. We will learn that we are adopted into the family, welcomed with the Holy Spirit, empowered by it's gifts, given a role to play and equipped with the most powerful thing on earth - Love!
Lectionary lessons - The Body of Believers
Lectionary lessons - The Body of Believers
by Jesus Without Language
This January JWL is welcoming your kids into the Church as we explore our place in it. We will learn that we are adopted into the family, welcomed with the Holy Spirit, empowered by it's gifts, given a role to play and equipped with the most powerful thing on earth - Love!
Lectionary lessons - Unique Gifts
Lectionary lessons - Unique Gifts
by Jesus Without Language
This January JWL is welcoming your kids into the Church as we explore our place in it. We will learn that we are adopted into the family, welcomed with the Holy Spirit, empowered by it's gifts, given a role to play and equipped with the most powerful thing on earth - Love!
by SPCK - N T Wright
PREFACE For some years I tried to write two books side by side: one about Paul and his theology, the other about Jesus within his historical context. It gradually dawned on me that the two belonged together more closely than I had realized. Both were concerned with the historical
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 11 Christian Unity Paul, Apollos and Cephas as One
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 11 Christian Unity Paul, Apollos and Cephas as One
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Christian Unity Paul, Apollos and Cephas as One Paul now describes himself as a “master builder.” A good master builder can exercise his or her authority by becoming a servant. In fact, that authority, when exercised through servanthood, is in a marvellous way profoundly attracti
the historical character of Jesus - 3b Paul’s ‘knowledge’ of Jesus of Nazareth
the historical character of Jesus - 3b Paul’s ‘knowledge’ of Jesus of Nazareth
by SPCK - David Allen
Paul’s ‘knowledge’ of Jesus of Nazareth The extent of Paul’s knowledge/interest (or otherwise) in Jesus tradition is a longstanding question within the scholarship.19 We can find ourselves swimming in a tide between maximalists and minimalists, between those who see barely any ci
the historical character of Jesus - 3d Indirect references
the historical character of Jesus - 3d Indirect references
by SPCK - David Allen
Indirect references Beyond the direct citation of Jesus material, which does still remain somewhat limited, there are a number of other places in which Paul may be drawing on and reflecting Jesus tradition. These allusions to, or echoes of, Jesus’ teaching are more subjective, an
the historical character of Jesus - 3e Paul’s story of Jesus
the historical character of Jesus - 3e Paul’s story of Jesus
by SPCK - David Allen
Paul’s story of Jesus We are faced, then, with two points of apparent tension. On the one hand, Jesus seems to be a highly significant figure for Paul, or at least significant enough for him to assume portions of Jesus’ teaching and tradition within his own epistolary discourse…
Great Christian Thinkers - 29 Pseudo-Dionysius The Areopagite
Great Christian Thinkers - 29 Pseudo-Dionysius The Areopagite
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
Pseudo-Dionysius The Areopagite In the course of my catechesis on the Fathers of the Church, I speak next of a rather mysterious figure: a sixth-century theologian whose name is unknown and who wrote under the pseudonym of Dionysius the Areopagite. With this pseudonym, he was all
The lawyer of the formerly wealthy Thessalonian writes back to Paul
The lawyer of the formerly wealthy Thessalonian writes back to Paul
by Tim Pillinger
Based on the text of "Epistles to the Apostle" in which Colin Morris extrapolates letters Paul might have recieved from the responses he gives. In this case, this man is part of his warning against idleness, and thinking he knows when Jesus will return. This is our Thessalonian's
Simply Good News - The Back Story