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Puppets for Jesus - Lion's Den Report
Puppets for Jesus - Lion's Den Report
by Puppets for Jesus
The Lions Den Report Bible Reference: Daniel 6 A wry look at the Daniel in the den story, reviewed in the style of a series of football post match interviews. Puppets: J. Mounsen = Mouse, Sven = Swedish Lion, Leo Beckham = Lion, Javed Seaman = Lion, JJ = Lion Cub (enter J.Mouson)…
Puppets for Jesus - Mr Noah's Lifeline Cruise, got your ticket?
Puppets for Jesus - Mr Noah's Lifeline Cruise, got your ticket?
by Puppets for Jesus
Mr. Noah’s Lifeline cruise, Got your ticket? Bible Reference: Genesis 6&7 The Ark of salvation from the flood, pictures those who have trusted in Jesus for their salvation. Created by Puppets for Jesus, for more information click here.
Easter Commercials
Easter Commercials
by Jane Bingham
A meditation on the commercialisation of Easter Easter Commercials As soon as Christmas is over there they are on the shelves – Cadburys Cream Eggs. A sign of the next commercial jamboree. Waiting to leap into our frame of reference shortly after Valentines Day and Mothering Sund…
Loaves and fishes: A story to share
Loaves and fishes: A story to share
by Meryl White
An interactive story based on John 6:1-13 - Jesus feeds the five thousand. Loaves and Fishes: A story to share. This is an interactive story suitable for all age worship or children’s address. The storyteller may accompany the story with simple actions as described below. When a …
Puppets for Jesus - The Salvation Shop