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Mere Apologetics - 8b Case Study 1: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Mere Apologetics - 8b Case Study 1: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Case Study 1: Why Does God Allow Suffering? Our first case study is an issue that is regularly raised both in public debates and private conversations. If God is good, why is there suffering in the world? Why do bad things happen in a universe created by a supposedly loving God?
Moulin Rouge Bible Study Part 8
Moulin Rouge Bible Study Part 8
by Tim Marshall
A Bible Study which relies heavily on discussion rather than leading. Using the film 'Moulin Rouge' as a starting point and then looking at a variety of passages (which can be obtained from the web in a variety of different translations) There are questions to help start discussi
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 34 Resurrection and Ethics
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 34 Resurrection and Ethics
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Resurrection and Ethics In each of the four previous essays Paul placed his theological teachings in the centre of the essay and positioned the ethical problem under discussion on the outside, around that centre. For example, in the first essay the ethical problem was the Corinth
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 11 Year A