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Meditation - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Meditation - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C Saving the Best till last John 2: 1-11 Life was good, really good; work was going well; It looked like we’d be getting a good bonus this year, The kids were all doing well at school, And we were looking forward to a great holiday...…
Drama: Ananias
Drama: Ananias
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama: Ananias Hello! My name is Ananias. You’ve probably never heard of me, although my name does crop up from time to time. But I’m just an ordinary Christian believer, so no one would ever have known about me at all, if it hadn’t been for one extraordinary incident in my life.…
Struck down and blinded by the light
Struck down and blinded by the light
by Andrew Pratt
Struck down and blinded by the light, the sudden realisation, that love is broader than a creed, encompassing each nation. Laid low until grace raised him up, restoring more than vision, this Saul, now Paul, resumed his way while curbing his derision. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: BARB…
3 results