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Speak in the stillness, God we pray
Speak in the stillness, God we pray
by Gareth Hill Publishing/Song Solutions CopyCare
Hymn – Speak in the stillness, God we pray Speak in the stillness, God we pray, come to our hearts and meet us here. Bring us your peace for each new day - the gift of grace to earth from heaven. We speak as though we have not heard and live as if we do not know... (c) Gareth Hil
Prayer: Storms of life
Prayer: Storms of life
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Storms of life When the winds of change drive us in directions that are alien to us: God, keep us on a steady course towards the goal you have set for us. When our lives are rocked by circumstances beyond out control: God, keep us from sinking beyond our depth. When storm
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Devotional Prayers (2)
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Devotional Prayers (2)
by SPCK - Ian Black
A collection of devotional prayers including Spiritual Struggle, Expectations, This Day, Letting Go, Slowness to Believe, Doubt and Faith. God of hope, you hold us all our days. Give us courage to let go of all that would hold us back and weigh us down on our journey... Give me g
Hymn: That's it, we're humbled, on our knees
Hymn: That's it, we're humbled, on our knees
by Andrew Pratt
That's it, we're humbled, on our knees. God listen to our heartfelt pleas, for you are God and we are not, our pride has got us in a knot. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ARIZONA; CALM (Dykes); COUTANCES (mv); FULDA Metre: LM Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 27/9/2012 Stainer & Bell Lt
Hymn: He speaks of peace while all inside
Hymn: He speaks of peace while all inside
by Andrew Pratt
He speaks of peace while all inside disciples’ minds are churned about; their memories haunt their waking time, while day and night are fused by doubt. He speaks of peace while all the world will clamour at our open door, while shards of music sing and break with light in discord
Like a mother calms a baby