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POPPIES AND SNOWDROPS - Prayer: God will be with you
POPPIES AND SNOWDROPS - Prayer: God will be with you
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God will be with you God will be with you in the desolation of your days. God will be with you in the darkest of your nights. God will be with you in hopelessness and despair. God will be with you in fear and anger. God will be with you when all reason has gone. God will
It seems preposterous arrogance
It seems preposterous arrogance
by Andrew Pratt
It seems preposterous arrogance, that God should choose a man, to signal to the Gentile world, the focus of a plan. Yet this is what St Paul had felt, that he had one clear role to share the love of Christ, the grace of God, from pole to pole. Verse 3-5 follow Tune: GERONTIUS A
6 results