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Cedars of Lebanon, oaks of old England
Cedars of Lebanon, oaks of old England
by Andrew Pratt
Cedars of Lebanon, oaks of old England, elegant poplars along country roads, trees mark a heritage, hope for the future, holding our history and bearing our loads. Hurricanes harass these trees by uprooting years of their growing, investment and toil, earthquakes unsettle the thi
Remote and immense, far beyond comprehension
Remote and immense, far beyond comprehension
by Andrew Pratt
Remote and immense, far beyond comprehension, the heaven's a canvas, below it the earth spread out like a carpet of massive dimension, assurance of homing and place of our birth. And yet in our wonder we're blind to existence, we're deaf to the Word that brings wisdom and light,
Hymn: Divided nations but one parent
Hymn: Divided nations but one parent
by Andrew Pratt
Divided nations but one parent, the God of one and God of all; and now in praise and joyful worship as nations sing, each voice will call. Then through the wealth of grace and glory, may God's own Spirit fill each heart, until in Christ we all are rooted, within one ground to bea
Responsive Prayer: We cannot comprehend
Responsive Prayer: We cannot comprehend
by Andrew Pratt
Responsive Prayer: We cannot comprehend based on Psalm 147 We cannot comprehend the height and depth, the brightness and beauty of the stars above our heads, so in awe we praise you O God. You rebuild broken cities and gather together the outcasts, bringing peace we dare not imag
4 results