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Flawed and fickle priests and people
Flawed and fickle priests and people
by Andrew Pratt
Flawed and fickle priests and people - hymn Third Sunday after Pentecost Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30 Flawed and fickle priests and people, like young children playing games, running, squabbling, teasing, laughing, calling one another names. But the children's understanding Jesus t
Arthur's Call - Through the wilderness years
Arthur's Call - Through the wilderness years
by SPCK - Frances Young
2 Through the wilderness years In the Bible the wilderness is a place of testing and doubt, but also a privileged place where God confronts and calls his people. In this chapter I retell my own version of this paradoxical experience…
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - The Song of the Lamb
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - The Song of the Lamb
by SPCK - N T Wright
PART 2 PRAYERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT OTHER EARLY CHRISTIAN PRAYERS THE SONG OF THE LAMB Revelation 15:1-4 What is it that attracts people to the Christian message? What is it that draws them to worship the God whom Christians call ‘father’? If you went round your local church and
4 results