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Hymn: Our God needs neither shrine nor temple
Hymn: Our God needs neither shrine nor temple
by Andrew Pratt
Our God needs neither shrine nor temple, no static place of rest or praise, but as we travel God goes with us in this and all our future days. Our God of cloud and fiery pillar, a God of mystery and might, could never be constrained, restricted, but runs as free as fire and light
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - The Fiery Furnace Assembly
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - The Fiery Furnace Assembly
by Christian Assembly Team
The Fiery Furnace - 3 plus 1 Bible ref: Daniel Chapters 1 to 3 If the assembly is for an infant school and you don’t feel that they could cope with the miming, alternatively you could dress up the characters keeping them at the front or just tell the story... Drama and Story (Mim
5 results