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Hymn: He felt exhausted, worn and drained
Hymn: He felt exhausted, worn and drained
by Andrew Pratt
He felt exhausted, worn and drained, his muscles and his mind were taut. He needed solitude and rest from pressures that his care had brought. He needed time to set aside the burdens that he chose to hold. To find again God's peace and grace, to warm a heart that might grow cold.…
We read of cultures from the past
We read of cultures from the past
by Andrew Pratt
We read of cultures from the past where slaves were normal, commonplace. Today we look with different eyes, to keep a slave would bring disgrace. Yet people still are caught and sold, removed from family and friends, then bought, mistreated and abused. For them life’s horror neve…
When all is lost, there seems no turning back
When all is lost, there seems no turning back
by Andrew Pratt
When all is lost, there seems no turning back; when friends are gone, while gain has turned to lack; when life has left us in a crumpled heap, we slip and slide, we agonise and weep. Sometimes our lives are spun, flipped upside down, the royal are poor, the beggar wears a crown. …
Intercessions - Love will come again
Intercessions - Love will come again
by Jane Bingham
Based on the Hymn – Love will come again like wheat that springs up green (204H&P) Lord we bring to you our prayers for others We pray for those people across the world who do not know love. Who have in their lives only experienced war and hatred, neglect and hunger, sadness and …
The Monastery Of The Heart - 21 Humility
The Monastery Of The Heart - 21 Humility
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Humility “After ascending all these steps of humility, we will quickly arrive at the ‘perfect love’ of God which ‘casts out fear.’” In Benedictine spirituality, there is a twelve-runged ladder that leads to God… Taken from The Monastery Of The Heart by Joan Chittister
Christ is the Word, with God from the beginning
Christ is the Word, with God from the beginning
by Avis Palmer
Christ is the Word, with God from the beginning, Creative force through whom all things are made, In him is life abundantly proceeding, At darkest times the light of God displayed. O Word made flesh, your dwelling is among us, Children of God, redeemed and blessed have been. Gift…
Come to join the worship
Come to join the worship
by Marjorie Dobson
Come to join the worship, singing with one voice. Come to join the people gathered here by choice. Come to share God’s glory. Come to sing in praise. Come to join that story written through our days. Come with all our problems: constant strain and stress; bringing our temptations…
Come now and follow me
Come now and follow me
by Avis Palmer
Come now and follow me, To us Christ's words are spoken. He calls each one by name; By Love our hearts are woken. We're asked to walk with faith A path we cannot tell; And well shall all things be, And all things shall be well. Verses 2-3 follow © Avis Palmer Tune Nun danket (H&P…
Hymn: Life is tough, but God will hold us
Hymn: Life is tough, but God will hold us
by Andrew Pratt
Life is tough, but God will hold us through each hardship of our lives, when our hope is torn to ribbons grace is present, love survives. God will feed us bread of heaven, finest wine to slake our thirst. Those who grieve will know God's comfort, those who waited will be first.…
Hymn: Life needs our care, not foolish indiscretion
Hymn: Life needs our care, not foolish indiscretion
by Andrew Pratt
Life needs our care, not foolish indiscretion, the willingness to guard against our greed; but still the world has need to learn the lesson: extravagance puts want ahead of need. God gives the Spirit to correct direction, to guide us from the drunkenness of thought that fuels a w…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Monday Holy Week Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Monday Holy Week Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B HOLY WEEK MONDAY... How much did you earn last year? Or, if you don’t earn a regular wage, how much did it cost you to live last year? Think about that sum for a moment. Now imagine that someone who had that amount of money sitting in the bank decide…
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - 70 Going out in Twos Assembly