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Puppets for Jesus - The Jerusalem Fire Brigade and the Pentecost Blaze
Puppets for Jesus - The Jerusalem Fire Brigade and the Pentecost Blaze
by Puppets for Jesus
The Jerusalem Fire Brigade and the Pentecost Blaze Bible Reference: Acts 2:1-4 A light-hearted look at the coming of the Holy Spirit and those who would try to put out the flames... Created by Puppets for Jesus, for more information click here.
Meditation - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Meditation - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C Like Toddlers Luke 11: 1-13 Prayer, it should be so easy; so why is it so hard? Sometimes we ask and don’t receive, seek and don’t find; we knock and the door seems to remain firmly shut. No wonder the disciples asked you to teach th
Easter 6 Opening Prayers
Easter 6 Opening Prayers
by Christine Dutton
Opening Prayers of Approach and Gathering based on John 5:1-9 Gracious, loving God, We come before you today in worship. We come in expectation, waiting to meet you. You know how long we have been waiting. You know the stories of our lives. You know all we share with you, and all
Prayer: God of truth
Prayer: God of truth
by Marjorie Dobson
God of truth, even today we live in a world where power corrupts and people are put to death unjustly. We remember those who are persecuted for their beliefs and those who live under an oppressive regime. We recognise that it was religious people who hounded Jesus, mocked his lif
Bible Study Based on John 13: 1-17
Bible Study Based on John 13: 1-17
by Michaela Youngson
Bible study/dramatic reflection It would work well in Holy week or one of the Lent Sundays. Bible Study John 13.1-17 Beverly Gaventa describes this passage as a ‘commentary on Jesus’ death’. This makes a certain kind of sense. The passage, as Pete Phillips said, marks a radical s
Good Friday Crucifixions: Holy Week in Abstract