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Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Friday: Week 2 in Lent Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Friday: Week 2 in Lent Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B WEEK 2: FRIDAY... ...So there we were on the boat, we didn’t know why he was in such a hurry that we should get away, and we didn’t know where he’d gone now or what he was expecting would happen next. It just seemed that there was quite a sense of ex…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Monday: Week 1 in Lent Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Monday: Week 1 in Lent Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B WEEK 1: MONDAY... ...I am writing this not long after the worldwide commemorations that took place on the tenth anniversary of the terrible terrorist attacks on New York and Washington on September 11, 2001. In many countries around the globe, people…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Tuesday: Third Week in Lent Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Tuesday: Third Week in Lent Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B WEEK 3: TUESDAY... ...I once watched as an angry crowd burnt a Russian flag. Soviet military aircraft had shot down a Korean civilian plane on 1 September 1983, over the Pacific Ocean, on the suspicion that it had been spying. All on board were kille…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Sunday: Week 4 in Lent Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Sunday: Week 4 in Lent Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B WEEK 4 SUNDAY... ...Please read the whole Psalm. I know: it’s Sunday, you’re busy, nine verses is easier than forty-three. But please read it anyway. We live in an age of snippets: the British radio station Classic FM has got big, these last ten year…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Thursday: Fourth Week in Lent Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Thursday: Fourth Week in Lent Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B WEEK 4 THURSDAY... ‘Sorry, you can’t have that seat. It’s already been booked.’ I was frustrated. It was one of my favourite train journeys, past some magnificent scenery. But the train was crowded, and there were hardly any seats on the side where o…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Tuesday: Fourth Week in Lent Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Tuesday: Fourth Week in Lent Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B WEEK 4 TUESDAY... ...The building inspector hurried across the road to where the workmen had already got the wall a few feet up from the ground. ‘What are you doing?’ he asked, in some agitation. ‘We’re building this house!’ they replied. ‘Do you hav…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Day Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Day Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B EASTER DAY... ...‘They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid.’ Well, wouldn’t you be? Terrified, more likely. Graveyards are a bad enough place at the best of times, especially in a culture where grave-robbery was common, and stories of gh…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Friday Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Friday Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B EASTER FRIDAY... The old ones are the best. ‘I was on a plane,’ said the comedian Bob Hope, ‘and suddenly it started to go into a spin and head straight for earth. Everybody was panicking and someone said, “Do something religious!” ‘So,’ he said, ‘I …
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Saturday Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Saturday Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B EASTER SATURDAY... One of the most popular misconceptions today is the idea that everybody up to about two centuries ago was credulous, gullible, easily taken in by strange stories and odd beliefs. We, however, with our modern ‘scientific’ knowledge,…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Monday Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Monday Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B EASTER MONDAY... ...When I became Dean of Lichfield in 1994, one of the first things I saw as I was shown around the magnificent cathedral was the place where the building had been, as it were, stitched back together again after the serious damage it…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Thursday Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Thursday Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B EASTER THURSDAY... ...As the Nazi party was increasing its power in pre-war Germany, the great theologian Karl Barth, still at that stage teaching in Bonn, came into contact one day with one of the party officials. The policies that had made the Nazi…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Wednesday Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Wednesday Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B EASTER WEDNESDAY... ...Easter, in the northern hemisphere at least, is a time when all sorts of plants are starting to come up. Sometimes there are surprises. I well remember raising my eyebrows a few years ago when bulbs we had totally forgotten abo…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Tuesday Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Tuesday Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B EASTER TUESDAY... ...I have often used, as an illustration, the way in which signposts work. A signpost tells you not where you are at the moment, but where you are going to. You don’t put a sign (I have often said) saying ‘This Way to London’ in Pic…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Good Friday Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Good Friday Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B HOLY WEEK GOOD FRIDAY... ...We stopped the car outside the most unlikely looking house. One wall looked as if it was going to collapse at any moment. The door was hanging off on one hinge. An upstairs window was broken. There was a rustle in the bush…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Monday Holy Week Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Monday Holy Week Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B HOLY WEEK MONDAY... How much did you earn last year? Or, if you don’t earn a regular wage, how much did it cost you to live last year? Think about that sum for a moment. Now imagine that someone who had that amount of money sitting in the bank decide…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Palm Sunday Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Palm Sunday Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B HOLY WEEK PALM SUNDAY... ...The guests arrived on time, and soon the party was in full swing. The little nibbles, a whole variety of tasty little morsels, were delicious. The wine sparkled in the glasses. A lovely smell wafted through from the kitche…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Tuesday Holy Week Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Tuesday Holy Week Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B HOLY WEEK TUESDAY... ...Two generations ago, J. B. Phillips (best known for his translation of the New Testament) published a little book called Your God Is Too Small. It was a moving appeal for ordinary Christians to lift up their eyes and imaginati…
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Sunday: Week 3 in Lent Year B