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Lent for Everyone Year A - Tuesday Holy Week Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Tuesday Holy Week Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
HOLY WEEK: TUESDAY . Matthew 26.36 –56 Put this passage alongside the other time when Jesus took Peter, James and John away with him by themselves. In chapter 17, the four of them went up a mountain, and the disciples watched in amazement as Jesus was transfigured before them, sh…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Saturday: Week 4 in Lent Year B
Lent for Everyone Year A - Saturday: Week 4 in Lent Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
WEEK 4: SATURDAY Matthew 23; focused on 23.29 –39 We stood in the autumn light beside the huge waterfall, mesmerized by the sheer volume of water pouring over and crashing down on the rocks beneath, unable to hear ourselves speak because of the rush and roar of the turbulent rive…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Easter Day Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Easter Day Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
HOLY WEEK: EASTER DAY Matthew 28.1–10 Earthquakes, angels, women running to and fro, a strange command. A highly unlikely tale. Yes, indeed, and that’s the point. Nobody thought in the first century, and nobody should think now, that the point of the Easter story is that this is …
Lent for Everyone Year A - Easter Friday Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Easter Friday Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
EASTER FRIDAY Matthew 13.1–23 Reading Jesus’ parables in Easter week is particularly fruitful. Imagine Matthew’s friends reading his book, with their own Easter celebrations now a regular weekly feature of life, and hearing them in a whole new way. Jesus had spoken elsewhere, …
Lent for Everyone Year A - Easter Tuesday Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Easter Tuesday Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
EASTER TUESDAY Matthew 28.16 –20 All four gospels tell a story which many in today’s world have forgotten, or have never even known. It is the story of how Jesus became the king of the world. That’s where we have been going, ever since, back near the beginning, Jesus came into Ga…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Easter Wednesday Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Easter Wednesday Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
ASTER WEDNESDAY Matthew 2.1–12 We are now going to do something rather different. We have followed the story which Matthew tells, the story of Jesus from before his birth to after his resurrection. But Matthew was of course writing for Christians who already knew more or less ‘wh…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Easter Thursday Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Easter Thursday Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
EASTER THURSDAY Matthew 6.25 –34 Now, in Easter week, try reading the whole Sermon on the Mount as a blueprint for how Jesus’ Easter-people should live. Now at last, with Jesus leading the way through death to new life, we see what it might mean to be poor in spirit, to be meek, …
Lent for Everyone Year A - Monday Holy Week Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Monday Holy Week Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
HOLY WEEK: MONDAY Matthew 26.14 –35 Some of the sharpest, most bitter arguments the church has ever had have been about the meaning of the meal which Jesus shared with his friends the night before he died, and of the similar meals his friends have shared ever since. In the sixtee…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Monday: Week 3 in Lent Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Monday: Week 3 in Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
WEEK 3: MONDAY Matthew 14; focused on 14.22–33 Forty years ago I sat in my college room with a friend and we read this passage together. He had come to a living faith in Jesus just a week before. He was still wide- eyed with delight at the sense of Jesus’ personal presence within…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Monday: Week 4 in Lent Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Monday: Week 4 in Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
WEEK 4: MONDAY Matthew 19; focused on 19.16 –26 At the time I am writing this, a politician has just received loud and long applause for saying rude words about the very rich, especially people in the banks who pay themselves vast sums of money. Everybody likes to hate the rich.…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Friday: Week 4 in Lent Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Friday: Week 4 in Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
WEEK 4: FRIDAY Matthew 22; focused on 22.1–14 Get me to the church on time!’ It’s a famous song from a famous musical. I suspect it’s a favourite because we’ve all been to weddings, we all remember the sense of occasion, of dressing up, of this being the bride’s and the groom’s b…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Thursday: Fifth Week in Lent Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Thursday: Fifth Week in Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
WEEK 5: THURSDAY Matthew 25; focused on 25.31– 46 One of the greatest soldiers of modern times recently published an autobiography. In it, he skates very lightly over one or two incidents in which, according to those who knew him at the time, he acted with almost incredible brave…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Wednesday: Fifth Week in Lent Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Wednesday: Fifth Week in Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
WEEK 5: WEDNESDAY Matthew 25; focused on 25.14 –30 Another story about a master going away and coming back to see how the staff have been doing in his absence. Just as Jesus seems to have told several parables about farmers sowing seed (as in chapter 13), so here again, and even …
Lent for Everyone Year A - Wednesday Holy Week Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Wednesday Holy Week Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
OLY WEEK: WEDNESDAY . Matthew 26.57–75 When I first lived in London, I already knew four or five parts of the city quite well. I knew Westminster itself, with the Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, and the roads leading up to Buckingham Palace. I knew the areas around the big crick…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Sunday: Week 1 in Lent Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Sunday: Week 1 in Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
WEEK 1: SUNDAY Psalm 32 A long time ago, when I had just learnt to drive, I ran out of petrol on a lonely country road. I gratefully accepted some fuel from a nearby farmer. What he didn’t tell me was that it was a mixture designed not for a car, but for a lawn mower. I got back …
Lent for Everyone Year A - Monday: Week 1 in Lent Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Monday: Week 1 in Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
WEEK 1: MONDAY Matthew 5; focused on 5.1–12 The worst mistake we can make about this famous and stunning passage is to see it as a list of rules (you’ve got to try hard to be poor in spirit, to mourn, to be meek, and so on). It isn’t. It’s a royal announcement that God is turning…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Saturday: Second Week in Lent Year A