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We come, O God, to celebrate
We come, O God, to celebrate
by Jacqui Horton
We come, O God, to celebrate, our hearts and voices raise; For all the ways the Spirit works, we give you thanks and praise. We come, O God, to celebrate the preacher’s noble art; The opening of Your Word today to move the listening heart. We come, O God, to celebrate the preachi…
How on God's earth can we change and be Christ-like
How on God's earth can we change and be Christ-like
by Andrew Pratt
How on God's earth can we change and be Christ-like, calming our wrath and containing our rage? Where is the spirit that shows love in action, selflessly, fearlessly showing God's care? Verses 2-3 follow Tune: EPIPHANY HYMN; BARNARD GATE (John Barnard; Sing Glory 433; Jubilate we…
Hymn: Forgiveness is ridiculous
Hymn: Forgiveness is ridiculous
by Andrew Pratt
Forgiveness is ridiculous, unsettles justice, riddles faith, when love has a monopoly as evidence of given grace; It sets the cosmos spinning round, it turns our values upside down it makes our temples tumble down and every beggar wears a crown. Verse 3 follow Tune: ALFRETON; CAM…
People will gather in praise for creation
People will gather in praise for creation
by Andrew Pratt
People will gather in praise for creation, praise for the love that has brought us to birth. Nations acknowledge a oneness of purpose, this is God’s dream for the whole of the earth. Those who are weeping will find consolation, comfort and peace that the world cannot give... Vers…
Past, present, future, through all time transcending