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Dialogue/Drama: Trinity
Dialogue/Drama: Trinity
by Andrew Pratt
Dialogue/Drama: Trinity (a piece for two voices) Male voice: They say things always come in threes, but so does my confusion. Or is this all illusion? They say that God is one, but that Jesus Christ his son is yet another one. A God that is. But twisting things still further, say
Mere Apologetics - 8c Case Study 2: God as a Crutch
Mere Apologetics - 8c Case Study 2: God as a Crutch
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Case Study 2: God as a Crutch One of the most familiar criticisms of Christianity is that it offers consolation to life’s losers. The only way such sad people can cope with life, it is argued, is by inventing a God who comforts them. Real people don’t need such spurious reassuran
3 results