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Lectionary lessons - The Body of Believers
Lectionary lessons - The Body of Believers
by Jesus Without Language
This January JWL is welcoming your kids into the Church as we explore our place in it. We will learn that we are adopted into the family, welcomed with the Holy Spirit, empowered by it's gifts, given a role to play and equipped with the most powerful thing on earth - Love!
Lectionary lessons - Unique Gifts
Lectionary lessons - Unique Gifts
by Jesus Without Language
This January JWL is welcoming your kids into the Church as we explore our place in it. We will learn that we are adopted into the family, welcomed with the Holy Spirit, empowered by it's gifts, given a role to play and equipped with the most powerful thing on earth - Love!
the historical character of Jesus - 3d Indirect references
the historical character of Jesus - 3d Indirect references
by SPCK - David Allen
Indirect references Beyond the direct citation of Jesus material, which does still remain somewhat limited, there are a number of other places in which Paul may be drawing on and reflecting Jesus tradition. These allusions to, or echoes of, Jesus’ teaching are more subjective, an
the historical character of Jesus - 2c The life of Jesus in Acts
the historical character of Jesus - 2c The life of Jesus in Acts
by SPCK - David Allen
The life of Jesus in Acts Acts also knows of a number of details from Jesus’ life. While these are obviously far less than the Gospels include, they are not insignificant, and can (occasionally) enhance the portrait given by the evangelists, and particularly by Luke’s own Gospel
the historical character of Jesus - 3f Conclusion: Jesus according to Paul
the historical character of Jesus - 3f Conclusion: Jesus according to Paul
by SPCK - David Allen
Conclusion: Jesus according to Paul What sort of figure is the Pauline Jesus? Paul’s portrait or remembrance of Jesus is complex and multi-faceted, and manifests itself in a variety of ways. It may not be the type of picture we expect, nor exhibit the depth of Jesus tradition we
Simply Good News - The Back Story
Simply Good News - The Back Story
by SPCK - N T Wright
2 part c The Back Story In particular, Paul was saying that they didn’t need the old gods any more. At this point he was presenting to the world an essentially Jewish message. The Jewish people cherished their ancient scriptures, in which, across many centuries, prophets, scribes
Simply Good News - Foolish, Scandalous or Good
Simply Good News - Foolish, Scandalous or Good
by SPCK - N T Wright
2 Foolish, Scandalous or Good? The man was a Jew, born and bred in what is now south-eastern Turkey. He was called Saul, a Hebrew name that, in his Jewish culture, had ancient royal associations. In Greek, however (Greek was the standard language around the Mediterranean world, l
the historical character of Jesus - 3c Paul’s ‘use’ of Jesus’ teaching
the historical character of Jesus - 3c Paul’s ‘use’ of Jesus’ teaching
by SPCK - David Allen
Paul’s ‘use’ of Jesus’ teaching As well as the incidental references to Jesus’ life, Paul also cites Jesus logia, or at least claims to do so, at several points within his letters (and most notably within the Corinthian correspondence)…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 5 (0.1) Greeting and Prayer of Thanksgiving
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 5 (0.1) Greeting and Prayer of Thanksgiving
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Greeting and Prayer of Thanksgiving Paul’s letter opens with an identification of the senders (Paul and Sosthenes) and the receivers (the Corinthians, and all Christians). He then offers his introductory prayer. These two sections are tied together by their rhetorical form and by
Meeting God in Paul - Introduction
Meeting God in Paul - Introduction
by SPCK - Rowan Williams
Introduction Trying to write a very short book about St Paul feels a bit risky: from the early centuries of the Christian Church until now, the great minds of Christianity have worked out their thoughts in lengthy and impassioned dialogue with Paul’s letters, and the quantity and
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 9 Year B
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 9 Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 9 2 Samuel 5.1-5, 9-10 2 Corinthians 12.2-10 Mark 6.1-13 The paradoxes of power. David bided his time, refused to lift up his hand against God’s anointed (though he knew himself to be anointed also), and then at last became king in a further anointing. The move to Jerusale
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 14 Year B
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 14 Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 14 2 Samuel 18.5-9, 31-33 Ephesians 4.25-5.2 John 6.35, 41-51 Come, believe, and eat. Simple yet profound, carrying us with characteristic Johannine effortlessness from bread by the lake to the bread of life. The bridge between them is Jesus himself, who will give his fles
Body - Chapter 3 - The resurrection body
Body - Chapter 3 - The resurrection body
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
The resurrection body So what does happen when we die? Our reflections on the question of who we are as people and on the place of the soul in our identity leads naturally to the question of life after death. For some people the word ‘soul’ has dual purpose: it describes both who
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 7 Literature, Story and The Articulation of Worldviews
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 7 Literature, Story and The Articulation of Worldviews
by SPCK - N T Wright
Literature, Story and The Articulation of Worldviews The study of early Christianity, of Jesus and Paul, and especially of the theology of the whole movement and of individuals within it, is conducted by means of the study of literature…
Lectionary Reflections Year A - The Last Sunday after Trinity Year A