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The Monastery Of The Heart - 5 Silence
The Monastery Of The Heart - 5 Silence
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Silence “Monastics should diligently cultivate silence at all times.” Silence is the mother of the Spirit. It births in us the cloister of the heart. It brings us beyond the noise of chaos and clutter and confusion of a spinning world to the cool, calm centre of the spiritual sel
Jesus, his home, his journey, his challenge - Jesus challenged at the boundaries
Jesus, his home, his journey, his challenge - Jesus challenged at the boundaries
by SPCK - David J. Bryan
Jesus: his challenge Introduction So far we have considered: * Jesus’ home in Nazareth; * Jesus’ annual journey with his family as they went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem; * Jesus’ incredible challenge that we should love our enemies...
Drama/Dialogue: Prayer problems
Drama/Dialogue: Prayer problems
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama/Dialogue: Prayer problems 1 We will now pray the prayer that Jesus taught us, the modern version – ‘Our Father in heaven’ 2 Hang on a minute! You can’t go on calling God, ‘our father’, it’s not politically correct. 1 What do you mean? Political correctness hasn’t got anythi
The Lord and His Prayer - Deliver Us From Evil
The Lord and His Prayer - Deliver Us From Evil
by SPCK - N T Wright
Deliver Us From Evil CHAPTER FIVE The previous chapter focussed on the Running Father, as we looked at the prayer for forgiveness. This time, as we come to the prayer for Deliverance from Evil, the dominant image offered to us is that of the Waiting Mother. ‘The hopes and fears o
Two mothers of Bethlehem
Two mothers of Bethlehem
by Kit Walkham
A short but powerful drama or shared reading for 2 women. Aims to link Christmas and Easter. Stories for children help prepare them for the realities of life. So bereaved mothers from 1st century and 21st century Bethlehem challenge Mary as to what stories she told Jesus. Writte
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
God as “Father” (Galatians 4: 4-7) In addition to bringing about people’s transformation from the status of minor children under guardianship of the law to that of mature heirs able to enjoy their inheritance (see above on 3:23–26), the coming of Christ has other consequences as
Hymn: Who's my mother, sister, brother
Hymn: Who's my mother, sister, brother
by Andrew Pratt
Who's my mother, sister, brother, when the odds are piled up high, when the allegations clatter, when the insults sing and fly? Will you stand in strength beside me, or will you deride, deny, calling me the prince of devils, will you hide behind a lie? Verses 2-3 follow Tune: BET
52 Reflections on Faith - Mothering Sunday: the motherhood of God