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Doing December Differently - Book - Mickey Mouse, Goofy and a fairy
Doing December Differently - Book - Mickey Mouse, Goofy and a fairy
by Christine Terry (Wild Goose Publ)
Mickey Mouse, Goofy and a fairy Nursing at Christmas time I’ve been nursing for 19 years and have worked most of those Christmases. In many ways, it’s just another day: people still get born, die, have strokes or appendicitis, just as they do on any other day of the year. On Chri
In love and life: Towards a quaker therapy and the pastoral care of those in mental dis-ease
In love and life: Towards a quaker therapy and the pastoral care of those in mental dis-ease
by Woodbrooke - Carolyn Sansom, Fran Cetti
The theme of this thesis is the centrality of relationship to individual well-being; its focus is the help offered to those who experience mental ‘dis-ease’ by the theory and practice of ‘therapeutic Quakerism’. It argues that a different model of care to that of the current biom
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