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by BRF - Dick France
The POLL TAX MARK 12: 13-17 A loaded question When the Romans deposed Archelaus, the son of Herod, from his kingship in Judea and imposed direct rule from Rome, one of the most resented by-products was the imposition of a poll tax on all adult Jewish males, to be paid to the Roma
John The People's Commentary - No One Ever Spoke like This Man
John The People's Commentary - No One Ever Spoke like This Man
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
No One Ever Spoke like This Man Jesus’ claims to transcend the Sabbath and feasts like Passover and Tabernacles and to replace their perishable bread and water with his living bread and water have provoked speculation among his hearers…
John The People's Commentary - The Light comes to a Blind Man
John The People's Commentary - The Light comes to a Blind Man
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
The Light comes to a Blind Man The story of how the light of the world comes to heal a blind man is beautifully written. Although it is self-contained in chapter 9, its part in the development of the gospel is significant…
John The People's Commentary - Light Sent to Save the World
John The People's Commentary - Light Sent to Save the World
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
Light Sent to Save the World The ‘hour’ has arrived. Jesus has been anointed for burial and welcomed with great rejoicing. He refused the path of violent revolution, but stressed instead that he will be glorified through a self-sacrificial death for everyone, including non-Jews,
John The People's Commentary - One Man Must Die for the People
John The People's Commentary - One Man Must Die for the People
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
One Man Must Die for the People In a paradox typical of John, this chapter about giving life ends with the threat of death. In Chapter 9, Jesus took the blind man out of darkness to see the light, while the religious leaders went from seeing into self-imposed darkness…
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 10 Reading and Critical Realism