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Holy Trinity Church Southwick Sunderland
Holy Trinity Church Southwick Sunderland
by Audrey Hogan
Holy Trinity Church Southwick Sunderland was built in the 1800s early 19 century and is on a high bankwhich overlooks the landscape of what used to be the ship yard.It is a heritage and beautiful to behold.Its walls are soaked with the prayers of the saints over hundreds of years
lion background
lion background
by joel toombs
Image of a lion, symbol of God; Jesus was 'the lion of the tribe of Judah...' Would make a very helpful and powerful background for worship lyrics or a preach powerpoint. Understated but very strong symbolism especially with the hint of buildings (rather than wilderness) behind.
Patch work Quilt of life
Patch work Quilt of life
by Audrey Hogan
Coloured pencil drawing of an imaginary patch work quilt of my life. Based on a game I played as a child when in a hospital bed. I used the quilt as a landscape upon which I played. The picture goes much deeper and includes scenes from life and spiritual insights.Drawn in 1991 in
Reflection: Gathering
Reflection: Gathering
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection: Gathering Jigsaw puzzles have an endless fascination about them. First, opening the sealed box and scattering the pieces from the inner packet, so that they flow out in all directions. Some are upside down, some tantalisingly facing upwards with scraps of what will be
Imagining the Lectionary: Wild and unrelenting - see the true picture (Lent 1B)