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A day of returning, a day to remember
A day of returning, a day to remember
by Andrew Pratt
A day of returning, a day to remember: the years of their exile were over and gone, a day of thanksgiving for such preservation, a day for rejoicing, a day to move on. And now they would settle to re-build a kingdom, to value tradition, to start a new life. For now they were feas
Meditation - 4th Sunday of Easter Year C (2)
Meditation - 4th Sunday of Easter Year C (2)
by David Middleton
Meditation – 4th Sunday of Easter Year C Not so Naïve, now John 13: 31-35 I told Jesus I loved him. I said I would follow him wherever he went. I even said I was prepared to die for him. ‘Die for me?’ he said, ‘Before the cock crows you’ll have denied even knowing me!’... Created
5 results