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Poem: Taste and see
Poem: Taste and see
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Taste and see. Whatever your taste – whether it’s for a bacon sandwich, or a cream scone, or fish and chips, or rare roast beef, or a fine wine, or a strong dark coffee, or an extra-strong peppermint – the thought of the taste and the imagination of the sensation of eating,…
Poem: In praise of the King
Poem: In praise of the King
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: In praise of the King When you find something worth writing about, how the words flow freely. Never having met a handsome king, it is difficult to join in pouring out praise on a richly bejewelled man, dressed in fragrant robes and living in an ivory palace. Continues... ©M…
It seems that people love to praise
It seems that people love to praise
by Andrew Pratt
It seems that people love to praise. Is this God's expectation? Or can we serve in other ways, or find a new direction? The simple task, the gentle word, within the midst of crisis: can this be offered in God's praise, a simple act of kindness? Verse 3 follows Tune: BARBARA ALLEN…
We hold the image of a God
We hold the image of a God
by Andrew Pratt
We hold the image of a God of pure humility and grace, so gentle in each act and word, with kindness shining from his face. But is this picture right and real? The Psalmist sings of fire and light, of righteous judgment, boundless power, devouring all that is not right. Verses 3-…
Hymn: Life needs our care, not foolish indiscretion
Hymn: Life needs our care, not foolish indiscretion
by Andrew Pratt
Life needs our care, not foolish indiscretion, the willingness to guard against our greed; but still the world has need to learn the lesson: extravagance puts want ahead of need. God gives the Spirit to correct direction, to guide us from the drunkenness of thought that fuels a w…
6 results