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Dramatic Monologue - Justified by faith?
Dramatic Monologue - Justified by faith?
by Andrew Pratt
3rd Sunday in Lent Romans 5: 1 – 11 Dramatic monologue: Justified by faith? A scribe working on the letter to the Romans is sitting at a table, muttering while looking over a scroll, pen in hand: Riddles, riddles, riddles… ‘ Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have pea
Luke for Everyone - David's Son and the Widow's Mite
Luke for Everyone - David's Son and the Widow's Mite
by SPCK - N T Wright
David’s Son and the Widow’s Mite Luke 20.41-21.4 ‘Can you get this balloon into that box?’ I asked the little children at the party. The balloon was big, and the box was small. They tried squeezing it in but it wouldn’t fit. It kept oozing out through their fingers. One little bo
John for Everyone part 2 - The Beloved Disciple
John for Everyone part 2 - The Beloved Disciple
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Beloved Disciple John 21.20-25 They came back almost in despair from the dress rehearsal. The costumes were ridiculous. The set was bizarre. The director seemed to have no real idea of how the action would work on stage. Even with an opera, where the music is what really matt
Luke for Everyone - Woes Against the Pharisees
Luke for Everyone - Woes Against the Pharisees
by SPCK - N T Wright
Woes Against the Pharisees Luke 11.42-54 The tennis player came grumpily into the television interview room. He had just lost a vital match in the Wimbledon men’s singles tournament, the premier tennis event of the year. He was tired and cross. Worse: in the course of the game, s
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - Warnings and Greetings
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - Warnings and Greetings
by SPCK - N T Wright
Warnings and Greetings ROMANS 16.17-24 It had been a difficult meeting. Several complex issues had been on the table, some of them involving delicate political issues, others involving money. It was right at the end of a busy university term, and everyone was tired and inclined t
Celtic Christian Spirituality - 4 Creation (Chapter 1)
Celtic Christian Spirituality - 4 Creation (Chapter 1)
by Skylight- Mary C.Earle
1 Creation The Celtic Christian tradition distinctively regards the creation as intimately related to humankind. We all come from the same Source, and therefore have a shared origin in God, who speaks all that exists into being. This sense of the natural world being full of kith
7 results