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Revelation for Everyone - Reigning for a Thousand Years
Revelation for Everyone - Reigning for a Thousand Years
by SPCK - N T Wright
Reigning for a Thousand Years Revelation 20.1-6 After I published my book Surprised by Hope, I had a number of letters and emails from people telling me their experiences with thinking it through, leading study groups on it, and in some cases preaching in the new way I was recomm
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Watch Out for Yourselves, the Flock and the Wolves
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Watch Out for Yourselves, the Flock and the Wolves
by SPCK - N T Wright
Watch Out for Yourselves, the Flock and the Wolves Acts 20.28-38 ‘I received an email this morning from a man I have never met. He has been studying a particular subject, and has come upon an article I wrote 25 years ago. In it, I quote a line from the scholar I was discussing (E
Reflect on what young Isaac felt
Reflect on what young Isaac felt
by Andrew Pratt
Poem, song, hymn: Reflect on what young Isaac felt Second Sunday after Pentecost Genesis 22: 1 – 14 Reflect on what young Isaac felt, incomprehension, frozen fear; Moriah's mount, the steady climb, the place of death was drawing near. Reflect on what his father felt, this preciou
The presence of Jesus is seen in God's people
The presence of Jesus is seen in God's people
by Andrew Pratt
The presence of Jesus is seen in God's people, when love is unanimous, open and bold to welcome the outcast, befriending the homeless, when love is the gift that we never withhold. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ST CATHERINE’S COURT Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words ©
Great Christian Thinkers - 51 Hugh and Richard of Saint-Victor