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Hymn: Like feathers on the wind
Hymn: Like feathers on the wind
by Andrew Pratt
Like feathers on the wind our words can lose their way, a loosened tongue, as much as arms, is in the devil's pay. We need a listening ear, a slowness when we act, before we judge, the time to sift the rumour from the fact. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: GARELOCHSIDE; POTSDAM Metre: SM
Hymn: You, Lord, are all we have
Hymn: You, Lord, are all we have
by Andrew Pratt
You, Lord, are all we have, You give us all we need. What lies ahead is in your hands, your love informs our creed. A creed of hope and care in which we feel secure, born of a faith that's tested, tried, a faith that is mature. Verse 3 follows Tune: FRANCONIA, POTSDAM Metre: SM
Hymn: Hoist by his own petard
Hymn: Hoist by his own petard
by Andrew Pratt
Hoist by his own petard, while Mordecai went free, a vengeful justice had been met for all around to see. An ancient parable? A message for us all? That often sin will find us out, we're heading for a fall. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: ALLINGTON; CARLISLE Metre: SM Andrew Pratt (bor
Hymn: Hands open to the world
Hymn: Hands open to the world
by Andrew Pratt
Hands open to the world, our hearts aflame with praise, our senses tuned, at one with God, to learn and walk Christ's ways. The living waters stream with blessings from above, these splashing, foaming cataracts will douse us all with love. Verse 3 follows Tune: DAY OF PRAISE, FRA
Lent 1 Hymn: You are the Son of God
Lent 1 Hymn: You are the Son of God
by Liz Griffiths
Hymn based on Temptations narrative (Based on Matthew 4:1-11) for First Sunday of Lent The Tempter: “You are the Son of God. These stones will meet your need. With pow’r divine, you can from dust give bread the world to feed.” Jesus: “The Word of God goes out and in my flesh now
5 results